House Committees Set To Probe Uranium One Deal

New life has been breathed into the topic of the Uranium One deal, which originally took place under the Obama Administration. This comes after The Hill broke news about a Russian plot involving an American uranium trucking firm. Through bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering, Russia aimed to grow influence within the United States. Though a violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, charges were not brought and it was quietly investigated for years.

During this time frame, a number of major decisions were made by the Obama Administration.

In 2010, the State Department approved the sale of Uranium One to Russian nuclear company Rosatom, which in effect gave Russia control of twenty percent of the United States’ uranium supply. A year later, the Obama Administration would give permission to Rosatom’s Tenex subsidiary to sell commercial uranium to United States nuclear power plants.

Why would the U.S. government be working for the benefit of the Russian government on U.S. soil? Why would this information be not more readily available?

This is what a new investigation hopes to uncover. A joint investigation has been launched by the House Intelligence and Oversight and Government Reform Committees into the matter.

At the heart of the concern is the Clinton family. During this time frame, Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State. Given her outrage over the alleged Russian influence in last year’s presidential election, it’s interesting that she may have had improper dealings with the Russian government herself.

Prior to the State Department signing off on the deal, former President and husband to the Secretary, Bill Clinton sought donations from Russian officials as well. The FBI investigation found that Russian nuclear officials routed millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was Secretary of State.

Did Hillary Clinton compromise United States interests and security while serving Secretary of State? The investigation must get to the bottom of this question.

Of course, this may very well be a coincidence. The information may not have been divulged because it was part of an ongoing investigation. Bill Clinton maybe just happened to get millions of dollars in donations from Russian nuclear officials as the State Department authorized deals handing off U.S. uranium interests to Russia. This all occurred while his wife led the State Department.

For her part, Hillary Clinton calls the allegations of wrongdoing “baloney” and claims this is a partisan witch hunt. She always falls back on her ‘vast right wing conspiracy’ trope. While the partisan interest is certainly there, there is a bad appearance here. The optics are about as bad as Bill Clinton meeting on a tarmac with Loretta Lynch, if not worse.

The Clinton family has a long history of wrongdoing and getting away with it. Given President Trump failed to uphold his promise to pursue Hillary Clinton’s criminal behavior, it will be interesting to see if these House committees can be more ambitious. If Trump didn’t intend to put Clinton behind bars, perhaps the Congress will do so.

Predictably, Hillary Clinton believes she didn’t do anything wrong. But the facts all seem suspicious and in the grand scheme of things, they give the appearance that the Russians and the Clintons were in cahoots. Whether or not there was actually a plot to sell the United States out for Russian money remains to be seen.

Chris Dixon is a liberty activist and writer from Maine. In addition to being Managing Editor for the Liberty Conservative, he also writes the Bangor Daily News blog "Undercover Porcupine" and for sports website Cleatgeeks.

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