In the 1993 film ‘Schindler’s List’, directed by Steven Spielberg, there’s a scene where the main character Oskar Schindler (played by Lian Neeson) is speaking with Nazi soldier Amon Goeth (played by Ralph Fiennes). Schindler explains what real power means. His explanation is simple. Real power is when justice is deserved for an offender. However,
MoreA bit of a confession to make, first of all. I, of course, love what I do in the reactosphere, and want to contribute in some way to the rebirth of strong and masculine men throughout the world as well as the rebirth of something resembling normalcy in my lifetime, but a not-inconsiderable part of
MoreIt is said, cold-bloodedly, that JFK died in the most romantic and, based on what was to come for the remainder of the 1960s, fortunate way possible. For his death bathed his image in golden lights that did not cling to him while he lived, and allowed him to miss the consequences of many of
MoreThe following thought is certainly not original with me, but regardless of who expressed it first, it bears repeating: Conservatives craft policy based on the world as it is, and liberals craft policy based on how they believe the world should be. Said another way, the former seeks to adapt to the confines of reality,