As Trump unveiled his new found love for Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) this week as he backpedaled on immigration policy, his blind supporters made many sorry excuses for the President’s change of heart.
“It’s truly said to see all the fairweather friends turning on Trump,” Baked Alaska said on Twitter. “You have no loyalty, no patience, no trust, no faith, and no class!”
“95% of those “abandoning Trump” over the [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] negotiations are FAKE, astroturfed [Soros robots] pretending to be disgruntled supporters,” said Bill Mitchell, who provided no evidence to support his conspiracy theory, in a Tweet.
These sycophants now officially have egg on their faces, as the Wall Street Journal reported today that Trump is reneging on his pledge to remove America from the Paris Climate accords that would destroy national sovereignty while restricting economic growth.
“The U.S. has stated that they will not renegotiate the Paris accord, but they will try to review the terms on which they could be engaged under this agreement,” European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete said.
If the EU and the WSJ can be trusted (a big if, to be sure), this represents a complete and total betrayal on Trump’s behalf. This can be interpreted as nothing but a knife in the back to all of the people who sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears to put Trump in the White House. It will also serve as a feather in the cap of the “Never Trumpers,” who insisted that Trump would behave in this manner once he got into the White House.
Unless Trump wants to hold the legacy of a reviled one-term President, he would be wise to move back toward his ‘America First’ electoral mandate and refrain from being the pathetic pawn of the globalists within his administration.
Fox is reporting that the white house says this is wrong. Is the MSM trying to drive a wedge betwee…
Wrong. Idiot
I’d be rich if I had a dollar for every “Trump reportedly caves on…”.
I don’t know why anyone pays attention to #FakeNews leaks and such.
Managing rhetoric is part of the game. You may have noticed our embassy is NOT in Jerusalem though Trump proclaimed somesuch on the Holocaust and visited the western wall in a yarmulke.
Perhaps you didnt notice Bush and the other RINOs talked tough and delivered betrayl.
Trump talks in moderation and delivers his promises.
Stop getting upset until he does something and do put a summation sighn. He’s been dealing for longer than you’ve been alive and is an expert at it. Getting what he wants while letting others merely save face.
Fake news
White House just confirmed our position hasn’t changed no matter how much you wish it
Traitor Trump is a Pelosi puppet.
This is fake news!! Trump has not wavered on his promises!! He’s a negotiator and is negotiating with whomever is necessary to achieve his goal to Make America Great Again!! Give him time to prove that his way works!!
tRumps a fuggin’ dope!!
Traitor Trump is not doing a thing he ran on.
True liberal
Trump was never a conservative. Trump is a populist.
Wouldn’t surprise me if he did, he keeps flip flopping. Why going across the isle us beyond me
Yeah fake news
I don’t believe it.this is bull shit propaganda.
Trump fooled you. Own it.
True liberal. You can get over it
Fake news
Fake news from Wall Street Journal. Leave this fake conservative page.
Bye. Say hi to Nancy.
It takes retards to keep spreading this shit. You tryin to win a prize, Ray?
WSJ is never Trump. I’ll wait until I hear it from POTUS.
Stop taking Trump at face value. If you can’t figure that you shouldn’t be posting on Facebook. You
you wish !
Trump was never a conservative. He is a populist.
I’m certainly happy he did, it’s you dill weeds who want to see the World devoid of life in another 100 +/- years. It’s you people who do not believe 97% of Climate Scientists!! Ok, go ahead, tell me how wrong I am. Tell me about your sky daddy and his son jeeebis and how he’d never let this happen to the earth. Or that weather is cyclical, and yatta, yatta, yatta….
As I’ve said from day one this guy has no hard core values or ethics! If he can call something a win he doesn’t care how horrendous it will be for the population!
Fake news , unliked you dumbasses.
This is fake he absolutely did not they are trying to drive a wedge with his voters sit back in the drivers seat people and watch Trump just chill.
Fake news.
Liberal are lying about everything again.
Many pp like breaking news, but before you get triggered wait for a response.
Looks like the “betrayal” was not one…
You are either part of the problem or part of the solution.
Mr.President, climate whatever they call this week is a fraud. Fake news. Get as faraway from this as you possible can!
Truth hurts, fellas:
Re-enlist. For Now. Not Enlist. Even I who served, and doesn’t believe that Transgender people belong in the Military, do not have a problem with this decision. What I really am against, and I think most of us would agree, is allowing transgenderd to any longer enlist. And I am against any special health care that their lifestyle would require. I personally don’t think the ones serving already should be kicked out. But I think any special surgeries or treatments not be covered and if they have a sex change they then be discharged. It isn’t there fault that they were allowed in when they shouldn’t have been. They have invested a large portion of their lives into something they should not have been allowed to do. That’s just my opinion. MAGA.
Plenty of new reports from the 16th debunking this. Even if he was, it would be a negotiation tactic to get past filibustering tax reform.