After FBI downplays Hillary Clinton’s actions, State Department reopens internal probe

Dysfunctional could have a number of definitions. A Google search would define it as “not operating normally or properly.” This points to the term essentially referring to anything going against protocol or accepted norms. lists multiple definitions as “not performing normally, as an organ or structure of the body; malfunctioning”, “having a malfunctioning part or element” or “behaving or acting outside social norms.” The consistency of the definitions underline impropriety due to an overall state of disorder, whether it be due to joint actions of a number of parts or those of someone internally. When someone or something is dysfunctional, it is not operating with integrity.

Used in a sentence: “The federal government is proving itself to be quite dysfunctional.”


The e-mail controversy involving Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State seemed to finally be coming to an end. The Federal Bureau of Investigation announced they would not be recommending criminal charges against Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch then stated the case was closed. Clinton, with the help of her husband’s airplane buddy and the FBI chief, declared victory as her name was apparently cleared.

The State Department disagrees, announcing they will continue their inquiry into the e-mail controversy.

The State Department originally it’s internal probe in January, which saw them declare 22 e-mails from Clinton’s private server “top secret.” Given that the personal e-mail server was not a government e-mail, this point became alarming. The FBI would then get involved. Given the involvement of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the State Department stepped aside.

The FBI helped make President Barack Obama’s campaign event with Clinton easier that afternoon by making the announcement hours after WikiLeaks dumped over a thousand e-mails from the private server.


While FBI Director James Comey described the actions of Clinton as Secretary of State as “extremely careless” and detailed some disturbing actions by the former top government official, he felt that criminal charges were unnecessary. Since this controversial press conference, Comey has gone before the House Oversight Committee with some more revelations. Of them was the fact that Clinton’s handling of classified material on an unsecured private server was not authorized by the government and Clinton was largely unclear about how classified information works.

But still, no criminal charges were recommended.

Comey refused to address whether or not these actions would or should cost Clinton security clearances, but State Department spokesman John Kirby was more direct about the possibility. In the announcement, Kirby noted that former officials can still face administrative sanctions, including the loss of security clearances. Given that she is running for President of the United States, a loss of security clearances would be a significant blow.

There is presently no time table for the investigation to complete, implying the State Department intends to take this seriously with a thorough approach. Whereas the FBI under James Comey seemed to provide cover for Clinton and their friend named Loretta, the State Department is not going to tolerate the current narrative.

The State Department moving forward is significant, because it shows a lack of confidence in the confused narrative put forth by Comey’s FBI. It also shows the effectiveness of former President Bill Clinton’s tarmac summit with Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Lynch was able to make the FBI go away after meeting with former President Clinton to discuss “grandchildren” and nothing else.

The perception at this point is that justice in America isn’t based on the severity of the crime, but rather the notoriety of the individual in question.

Chris Dixon is a liberty activist and writer from Maine. In addition to being Managing Editor for the Liberty Conservative, he also writes the Bangor Daily News blog "Undercover Porcupine" and for sports website Cleatgeeks.

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