President Donald Trump Bucks Mitch McConnell, Backs Judge Roy Moore

President Donald Trump has finally broken his silence on Judge Roy Moore, the embattled Senate candidate from Alabama who has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women. Trump indicated yesterday that he supports Judge Moore despite the allegations because his far-left Democrat opponent is just too dangerous.

“I can tell you one thing for sure: We don’t need a liberal person in there, a Democrat,” Trump said to journalists outside of the White House yesterday.

Trump was careful not to denigrate the supposed victims, but noted that Judge Moore has denied all the claims – which are not backed by any credible evidence.

“Roy Moore denies it; that’s all I can say,” Trump said.

Despite Trump’s support of Judge Moore’s Senate campaign, he still remains supportive of women making their voices heard and believes that women being empowered to accuse predators is a positive development for our culture.

“Women are very special,” Trump said. “I think it’s a very special time because a lot of things are coming out, and I think that’s good for our society.”

Although Trump supports these women as they make their accusations, he has a history of being accused of specious, politically-motivated sexual assault charges. Last year in the run up to the election, his Democratic opponents lined up an array of accusers in an attempt to destroy his chances at the presidency. That mischief blew up in the Democrats’ faces, as Trump featured Bill Clinton’s actual victims during a debate with his wife.

“Bill Clinton was the wors[t] abuser of women ever to sit in the Oval Office. He was a predator,” Trump said last year during the heat of the campaign against Hillary.

Trump broke from GOP party leadership, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman Cory Gardner (R-CO), to back Judge Moore. Party leadership has indicated that they are considering dismissing Judge Moore if the voters of Alabama put him into office, a move that Trump believes would jeopardize tax cuts, immigration reform and other key proposals still on the table in Congress.


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