In addition to being a leftist icon, President Lyndon B. Johnson was an extraordinary vulgarian and a rabid racist. Prior to the passage of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act, he is said to have told fellow Democratic power players that the bill would initiate a liberal golden age in which “those niggers” would be
MoreIt was a little over a year ago that I wrote my first article for the Liberty Conservative, “The Authors of Prosperity.” Published on the 20th of November, 2016, it expounds on the promise of then-candidate Donald Trump’s intent to slash taxes for individuals, couples, and businesses, and in so doing, usher in an epoch
MoreIn his article for The Nation – Jon Ossoff’s Loss Should Be a Lesson to Corporate Democrats – D.D. Guttenplan (is that even a real name? It doesn’t sound like a real name) writes, “To win Democrats need to tell voters what they’re for—and to do that effectively, they need to stop running scared and