Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) is in fact a Republican legislator from a state firmly within America’s heartland, but he apparently doesn’t even realize it. In an interview with Jonah Goldberg of The Remnant podcast, Sasse echoed sentiments regarding race and the GOP familiarly expressed by Black Lives Matter activists and others on the radical left.
MoreThe unflattering term ‘snowflake’ is generally associated with the overly sensitive left. It is a term referring to someone who’s easily hurt emotionally and quick to go on the defense, especially when opinions contradict their narratives. This was evident at colleges across the nation as classes were canceled following Trump’s election victory. College officials believed
MoreThere exists no dearth of outrage on the Left toward the perceived hypocrisy of President Donald Trump and the Republican Party at large. Mr. Trump, they remind us, was elected due to a number of campaign promises, not least of them was the pledge to “drain the swamp”, a not-so-thinly-veiled allusion to the pervasive influence
MoreAmid a torrent of rumors surrounding the allegedly chaotic Trump transition, there have been some glimmers of hope emerging from the fledgling ascendance of the Manhattanite billionaire to the halls of power in Washington, DC. Vice President-elect, Mike Pence, has taken the reins of the transition process and his first order of business was to
MoreEveryone’s suspicions were confirmed when it was revealed last week that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) had planned on a Hillary Clinton nomination before a single ballot was cast. Through various leaked documents stretching back to before the voting actually began, we received a first hand look last week at the inner workings of the
MoreAfter being blasted on Breitbart as a “Republican spoiler” and “renegade Jew” for refusing to support GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump, founder and editor of the Weekly Standard, Bill Kristol, is firing back. Taking in stride the comments from the Trump-adoring media outlet, Kristol recently purchased the web domain and created the twitter account @RenegadeParty.