Following the Harvy Weinstein sexual misconduct scandal, it was apparent our nation has a problem. For decades many accusations were swept under the rug and payouts made to keep victims quiet. All of it done to protect the reputations of industries and companies. One might say the pot finally reached its boiling point and now America’s
MoreIt was refreshing for me to read Matt Lewis’ piece for the Daily Beast, “So, Feminists Are Finally Admitting It: Bill Clinton Was a Cad (or Worse).” It’s a rare moment of introspection on the part of a liberal publication, and it belies a reckoning that the Left has been reticent to acknowledge: They are
MoreWith Hollywood being exposed publicly as a den of liberal sin and inequity, this begs the question: What other industries dominated by liberals have secret underbellies they are hiding? It is no secret that the marijuana movement has been bankrolled by George Soros for decades, with one operative on his payroll having a past similar
MoreHollywood Actor Kevin Spacey, known primarily for his portrayal of Machiavellian manipulator Frank Underwood on Netflix’s House of Cards, was exposed as a pedophile on Sunday evening. Spacey apologized to fellow actor Anthony Rapp in a tweet responding to Rapp’s accusations that Spacey had attempted to molest him as a 14-year-old boy, claiming the incident occurred
MoreThe ongoing controversy surrounding Harvey Weinstein’s fall from grace has rocked Hollywood and left people across the nation watching in awe. Numerous victims have come forward and it is clear that many in Hollywood knew of this illicit activity, but kept quiet. The things these victims experienced by a man who exploited his power status
MoreI’d like to better understand the conservative media’s orgy over Harvey Weinstein, the disgraced and disgraceful Hollywood film producer and studio executive who used his power over decades to have his way with starlets. To listen to conservative talkers, the women affronted or assaulted by Weinstein were all Shakespearean talent in the making—female clones of
MoreDuring a 1998 appearance on The David Letterman Show, when playfully asked by David if someone had coerced her into coming to the show, actress Gwyneth Paltrow, smiling, responds “Do you count Harvey Weinstein as a coercer?” Paltrow continues, “I do all my movies for Harvey Weinstein, that’s Miramax for all of you, and I’m