This Soros-Backed Operative Is The ‘Harvey Weinstein’ Of The Marijuana Industry

With Hollywood being exposed publicly as a den of liberal sin and inequity, this begs the question: What other industries dominated by liberals have secret underbellies they are hiding? It is no secret that the marijuana movement has been bankrolled by George Soros for decades, with one operative on his payroll having a past similar to disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.

Rob Kampia serves as the co-founder and executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project, an organization that works to end drug prohibition nationally. The MPP, funded by Soros, backs marijuana legalization initiatives throughout the country, usually in the form of a ‘tax and regulate’ scheme that would use tax revenues collected from the newly-legitimized industry to fund popular government services.

“We will continue to roll back the government’s war on the sick and dying and the White House drug czar can’t stop us any more than he can make water flow uphill,” Kampia said, regarding his organization’s efforts.

From a libertarian point of view, Kampia’s work may be admirable but what is going on behind the scenes at MPP resembles more closely a Miramax casting coach than a legitimate policy reform operation. According to a 2010 Washington City Paper report, Kampia has a history of using his power within the organization to gain access to sexual favors from young women.

According to the report, Kampia was said to have told a female intern that she would be “hotter with a boob job.” He reportedly told a female employee to make room in his schedule for a woman who he was “trying to bone” who he affectionately referred to as a “bone-girl.” Furthermore, he boasted of his willingness to perform “breast massages” on women as he publicly dated a 19-year-old MPP intern.

After an in-office fling went sour resulting in seven resignations, Kampia was forced to take a three-month leave of absence from MPP.

“I just think I’m hypersexualized,” Kampia said to the Washington Post. He went to therapy, and returned to his role at the helm of the organization.

“He was known as someone who made crude and inappropriate comments about and to women,” former membership director Salem Pearce said to the Post. “The number-one perk for Rob about MPP was the access to young women… I realized Rob was more interested in keeping his job than the good of the organization.”

Kampia is presently aligned with left-wing forces who are desperately trying to politicize the marijuana reform movement during the age of Trump. Recently, leftist marijuana advocates led a campaign to disavow Trump associate Roger Stone and toss him from marijuana reform movement for petty partisan reasons. Perhaps these disingenuous interests would be better served getting their own houses in order before focusing their sanctimonious fury onto Stone and others.


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