Less than 24 hours following President Donald Trump’s historic inauguration, hundreds of thousands of activists assembled around the country and different parts of the world in support of Women’s Rights.
Many demonstrators marched proudly, displaying their knitted pink stocking caps complete with cute kitten ears cleverly referred to as ‘Pussy Hats’. The caps became a symbol of outrage toward sexually explicit comments made by President Trump over a decade ago. In addition to the caps, other feminist marchers dressed up in vagina costumes to send a message to the President: “this pussy is not for grabbin’!”
Demonstrators arrived with picket signs pertaining to specific issues as others focused more on their hatred toward the Trump Administration with signs that declared“Not my president!”, “Love Trumps Hate!”, and “F-Trump!”.
The initial platform was to draw awareness to women’s issues, yet many protesters who took part in the march came with different agendas geared toward other social causes which were neither gender-specific or fell under the women’s rights crusade.
With so many causes represented, by the time the rally ended, it was hard to determine the real focal point of the demonstration, aside from the consistent barrage of insults directed at President Trump.
Unclear Objective
A pamphlet posted online listed issues that the demonstrators were marching for regarding women’s rights.
A few included fair wages, reproductive options, freedom from sexual violence, and access to more affordable medical services and options.
Yet, countless numbers of demonstrators also joined the march to protest a broad range of other social issues including immigration reform, healthcare reform, environmental protection, police brutality, racial profiling, gay and transgender rights, freedom of religion, and illegal immigrant protection.
Journalists who covered the event and interviewed demonstrators were given a multitude of answers as to the purpose of the march. As one demonstrator answered equal pay, the next may have said Muslim rights while another cried out for racial equality.
Odd Timing For Event
If the “Women’s Rights” march was necessary, why didn’t it take place during the Obama, Bush, or Clinton Administrations?
There are no indications any women’s rights in America are in jeopardy under the Trump Administration. The same issues women equality advocates marched against were identical to those under the Obama Administration. It’s no secret that those who opposed Trump used his audio leak from a decade back as their platform for their march. However, when dealt with questions pertaining to Bill Clinton’s behavior and actual convictions during his presidency, it seemed to be a non-issue.
Democratic congresswoman, Elizabeth Warren, stirred up fears with accusations the Trump Administration was preparing to carry out their attacks against women, immigrants, LBTG community, and religious groups.
In addition to Warren’s fear-based presentation, liberals have taken comments made by Trump, while he campaigned for the presidency, and continue to cast a shadow of false narratives which claim he’s a racist, homophobic, and xenophobic.
Considering Trump’s cabinet picks include women, different races, and a gay man, Trump doesn’t appear to fit the narratives his opponents have labeled him.
Establishing a Narrative
The key word repeated throughout the march was “equality”.
Equality for women.
Equality among races.
Equality for Muslims.
Equality for the LBTG communities.
Equality for immigrants.
Pop singer and Hollywood actress Madonna added her two cents at the rally, delivering a five-minute politically-fueled speech criticizing the President, revealing her deep desire to commit a terrorist act on the White House, however not forgetting to end it on a positive note encouraging attendees to always “choose love”.
The musical pop star claimed the march was “. . . the beginning of OUR story.” However, it wouldn’t be until the second day of protests as to whose story the “Women’s Rights” march was specifically geared toward.
As pro-life activists arrived on the scene Sunday morning, it was abundantly clear that the story Madonna referred to was inclusive to specific political ideologies. Ideologies which excluded certain groups from the equality they passionately desired for ALL of man- and womankind.
During America Ferrera’s speech, the female actress explained the march was for, “. . . the moral core of this nation, against which our new president is waging a war.”
The irony here is that women came to march for their own “moral code” which supports the right to life movement, only to face harsh resistance toward their ideologies. Highly emotional pro-choice advocates surrounded the 50 pro-life supporters chanting, “My body, my choice!” while blocking signs which said, “Abortion betrays women”. One pro-life advocate claimed she was spit on while another had her sign ripped to shreds.
A movement organized to empower ALL women to rise up and defend their freedoms apparently came with fine print, excusing the abuses and harassment of pro-choice supporters toward pro-life advocates. The march revealed the movement wasn’t so much about equality as it was about following a specifically crafted narrative.
What organizers overlooked was the fact that reproductive rights are not owned by one specific group.
Pro-life advocates want to march for many similar causes such as more affordable medical options for pregnant women, required paid maternity leave, and the creation of more social programs to help single mothers or low-income families.
Yet, pro-choice advocates see the pro-life movement as a threat to their current freedom to use the practice of abortion as a form of birth control. Therefore, in typical non-tolerant and hostile fashion, liberal opponents refuse to consider anything which contradicts the deceptive narratives they’ve worked hard to develop over the decades.
Time To Get Over It
When Bill Clinton was caught lying about his affair with Monica Lewinski, he was impeached by the House of Representatives yet saved by the Senate.
He then went on national television and delivered his famous four-minute scripted national apology speech ending with, “So tonight, I ask you to turn away from the spectacle of the last seven months, to repair the fabric of national discourse, and turn our attentions to all the challenges, and all the promise of the next American century.”
Following Clinton’s television appearance, liberals were quick to forgive as Republicans demanded that the President resign. Liberals asked conservatives to ‘get over it’ and ‘move on’ followed by lectures about the importance of moving forward and working together to repair the county; not wasting time rehashing Clinton’s wrongdoings with a young intern.
Ironically, one of the biggest reasons for the march was due to a massive liberal outcry over Trump’s audio leak. Regardless, the comments were said 11 years ago which he apologized for – meanwhile, those who oppose him continue being less than forgiving and, ironically, rehashing his comments any chance they get.
When you consider the multitude of issues represented during the march, the consistent presidential-bashing speeches from celebrities and politicians, along with the timing of the event; the true nature of the protest is easily recognized. The so-called “Women’s Rights” movement was nothing more than a masquerade for the real objective to create a convenient way to insult the man who defeated their candidate for president.