Trump derangement syndrome is manifesting itself in the cannabis community, as leftists are seemingly intent upon destroying the entire marijuana movement out of a temper tantrum over President Trump.
Libertarian activist Eapen Thampy, who leads the Americans for Forfeiture Reform, has come under hostile attack for pointing out that left-leaning marijuana activists are using their supposedly non-partisan posts in the cannabis reform movement to launch cheap shots at their right-wing opponents.
“Outreach coordinator for Students for Sensible Drug Policy wants to shut down UConn College Republicans event with Lucian Wintrich,” Thampy said in a Facebook post. “Sad that SSDP now appears to be planted firmly in left wing activism.”
This was posted alongside a screen shot of a post by Tyler S. Williams, who serves Outreach Coordinator for the Heartland, Midwest, and Mountain regions of SSDP, in which he urged University of Connecticut students to block Wintrich’s free speech on campus. “It probably wouldn’t take more than 20 people to effectively shut this event down,” he said.
Thampy had previously drawn the ire of left-wing partisans in the cannabis community, after they had thrown fits over Roger Stone’s involvement in the movement. Stone, who wants to lobby President Trump in favor of marijuana legalization, is facing a tremendous amount of intra-movement resistance from leftists who would rather cannabis stay illegal to continue their childish, petty vendetta against Trump and his supporters.
“Wow you’re even worse trash than I thought. Going after SSDP here is stupid but not surprising coming from the 2017 Uncle Tom award winner,” said Jason Ortiz, board member of the Minority Cannabis Business Association, to Thampy. “I guess this is part of the job of being top house negro for massa?”
It was later pointed out to Ortiz that Thampy is not in fact an African-American, but rather an Indian. Ortiz did not seem to care, and only doubled-down on his insulting and racially-divisive rhetoric toward Thampy.
“You are supporting white supremacy. That’s a pretty clear example of being an Uncle Tom,” Ortiz said, reiterating his baseless slur.
While these leftist cannabis reform organizations could feign objectivity before, the mask is coming off as they become more desperate and unhinged in the age of Donald Trump. Opposing the President now comes first to these agents of George Soros, way ahead of marijuana legalization or any other cause they use as cheap fronts for their left-wing radicalism.