Nigel Farage joined the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Friday afternoon to address the event in a speech. This was his third CPAC, and he praised the event organizers for having him yet again. Farage frequently stressed during his speech that the good things in life take time and are worth fighting for. It took
MoreRep. John Conyers (D-CA), who is being pressured to resign after allegations of sexual impropriety have emerged, is a long-time favorite of the drug legalization movement funded by socialist billionaire George Soros. Conyers received the Justice Gerald Le Dain Award for Achievement in the Field of Law from the Soros-backed Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) in
MoreTrump derangement syndrome is manifesting itself in the cannabis community, as leftists are seemingly intent upon destroying the entire marijuana movement out of a temper tantrum over President Trump. Libertarian activist Eapen Thampy, who leads the Americans for Forfeiture Reform, has come under hostile attack for pointing out that left-leaning marijuana activists are using their
MoreThe date ‘November 4’ doesn’t exactly bring many important events to mind for most people besides the 2020 presidential election, but given the rate at which groundbreaking news develops in recent months, thinking about what might happen in 2020 quickly becomes exhausting. In fact, it is rather difficult to point out any truly significant historic
MoreAnother activist group has been propped up by George Soros over the past few years. It is called “Refuse Fascism,” and although the name may be a bit misleading, the objective is to drive President Donald Trump from office. They have already held what they call “regional conferences” in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Los
MoreSen. Mike Lee (R-UT) has been very vocal in his criticisms of President Trump, going back to the dysfunctional campaign season that put Trump at bitter odds with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). Now, Lee is trying to warn Trump that taxpayer funds are being funneled directly into the pockets of his sworn enemies. “Whatever one’s
MoreConspiracy theorist Alex Jones is under fire once again. Already undergoing a messy public custody battle with an ex-wife, Jones has now been implicated in a defamation lawsuit by Chobani, the world’s largest yogurt producer, who is seeking at least $10,000 in damages. Chobani is a massive proponent of importing refugees from third-world warzones to
MoreNewton’s Third Law of physics states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Though commonly understood to apply to physical interactions between objects in action, this law is as true in boxing and baseball as it is in politics. Midterm elections are often a down-ballot repudiation of a president and ruling
MoreYesterday, a series of rallies took place throughout the country to protest President Donald Trump’s unreleased tax returns. While this has been a non-issue for many months now for most Americans, the specious nature of these protests have caused many people to cry foul—even the President himself. Trump tweeted the following on Easter Sunday, “Someone should
MoreThe birthplace of the free speech movement, UC Berkeley, was desecrated recently by a platoon of masked cowards who set fires, smashed windows, and assaulted peaceful people who had gathered there to hear a talk by infamous internet maven, Milo Yiannopoulos. Their efforts were successful: Milo canceled his appearance and the perpetrators of the inexcusable