The bias of the mainstream media has been evident for years. The bias has turned to open hostility with the rise of President-elect Donald Trump. The simple liberal slant has turned into a crusade among political commentators and anchors determined to shut down the conservative right.
CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill appeared on CNN Tonight as part of a panel discussion hosted by Don Lemon. Hill described Trump diversity team member Bruce LeVell as being apart of a group of “mediocre Negroes.” The remark was made as part of a rant that described members of the Trump diversity team as not being qualified enough to represent Black interests.
What does CNN believe qualifies as a Black worthy of representing the race’s interests? What makes one greater than just a “mediocre Negro”?
This has become the norm at CNN, to engage in bully tactics and name-calling as part of an agenda hostile to the right. Not only has the network taken to favoring one side over the other, it is now degrading minorities because of their political affiliation.
Will Hill keep his position at CNN as part of this rant?
The characterization was aimed a individuals like Steve Harvey, a comedian and television host. Hill had launched on a rant about how the Trump diversity team was rolling our celebrities and other entertainment figures, instead of more qualified individuals. His argument was that more than just entertainers need to be presented, suggesting that those who host television shows and otherwise entertain for a living are less qualified.
Where was Marc Lamont Hill when the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign did the same?
Would CNN stand by Hill if he characterized entertainers supporting Clinton, like Beyonce, as “mediocre Negroes”? If precedent is any indication, the answer is no. Dr. Drew Pinsky once had a health show on CNN, but it was cancelled after he raised questions regarding Clinton’s health.
Why would CNN fire a qualified doctor for discussing health issues and raising questions? The obvious answer is that at the very least, it gives the appearance that he is exploiting his position for partisan politics.
But is Hill even qualified to speak for all Blacks? Is he in a position to tell another Black individual that their opinion or political preference does not matter? Is he in a position to dictate to other Blacks who they can and cannot meet with?
The fact that CNN allowed this segment to air without denouncing Marc Lamont Hill’s comments or releasing him for the network shows clear partisan bias. They’ve released individuals employed by the network for less, simply for committing thoughtcrimes against the Democratic Party elite.
Will CNN be following up with clarification on what a qualified individual looks like? Perhaps the elitist network could clarify what makes a “mediocre Negro” and how one becomes greater than such. At this point, is it any wonder that President-elect Donald Trump described the network as “Fake News.” It continues to demonstrate overt bias and a clear lack of integrity.
I think the commentator is trying to make himself to feel better about his own “mediocrity”, so he condemns others.
The implosion of DemoNaziism.
CNN is in the toleit. Please flush it.
And just imagine, if you will, if Trump had said that……
Hill is filthy lying communistRace baiter!
Hill is a good boy. That is why they are keeping him.
That’s CNN for you. Lamont is no different. NOTHING to him but hate and big mouth.
CNN has figured out that “being the news” is better than reporting it.
I’ve just spent a few moments watching Don Lemmon and had to walk away…..he makes me so sick to my stomach. CNN….POS network!
Hill is a smooth fast talking lying hater who feeds off stirring the pot. He’s Obama on speed.
Of course I wouldn’t like to compair romantic historical figures, such as Dracula and Mihnea Cel Rau, to revolting charactors, such as Penis and hitlery Clinton. But I have to post the following link:
fukkin lawn jockey racist bitch