Islamic Terror In Finland: 2 Dead, 8 Injured In Vicious Stabbing Attack

Police in Finland shot a man yesterday in Turku after he allegedly attacked several people–including a woman with a baby in a stroller–with a large knife, killing two Finnish nationals.

“The government is following the situation in Turku closely and a police operation is under way,” Prime Minister Juha Sippila said before a cabinet meeting on Twitter.

Although officials initially denied that this was an act of Islamic terror, they were eventually forced to admit the obvious as details came into focus. An 18-year-old man from Morocco was apprehended as the suspected culprit of these grizzly acts.

“Due to information received during the night, the Turku stabbings are now being investigated as murders with terrorist intent,” the Finland National Bureau of Investigation said in a press release.

Witnesses and victims recalled exactly what happened as the surreal events unfolded before their very eyes.

“We saw a man at the square, he had knife in his hand, and he was swinging it in the air. We understood he had stabbed someone,” a bystander said to YLE, a Finnish broadcasting station.

Hassan Zubier, 45, watched a woman die in his arms as he rushed to help her after she was stabbed. He was slashed several times by the mad man as well, suffering severe injuries, but is expected to survive.

“I rushed to help her and tried to stop the blood flow. Others gave her heart and lung assistance,” Zubier said to the Daily Mail.

“My left hand is seriously injured. A nerve is injured, it is not certain that they can save the arm. I’m going to the MRI now, the doctors will then decide what to do,” Zubier said.

The attacks in Finland immediately followed a similar situation in Barcelona where 13 were slaughtered during a vehicle attack in Las Ramblas. As the Islamic invasion of Europe moves forward, terrorism becomes more frequent and politicians have little to offer in terms of solutions. A candlelight vigil along with flowers were set up at the scene by those mourning the dead and injured.


  1. What is hard for me to understand is how he was able to hurt more than one person??? Why didn’t a couple or three or ten people jump him and stop him??

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