Julian Assange To Introduce Ron Paul’s Whistleblowers Roundtable At Peace Conference

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity (RPI) is hosting an event, “Peace and Prosperity 2017: Where We’re Going And How We’ll Get There?” that will take place next month. Organizers were proud to announce yesterday that Julian Assange will be introducing a whistleblowers roundtable during the program.

“The CIA has been deeply humiliated as a result of our ongoing publications so this is a preemptive move by the CIA to try and discredit our publications and create a new category for Wikileaks and other national security reporters to strip them of First Amendment protections,” Assange said in an interview with Ron Paul from earlier in the year on his liberty report.

Assange and Paul have shared mutual admiration for years, as both men wage separate wars against the evils of statism. In the era following the Ron Paul revolution, Assange has taken the banner as leader of the resistance, and the work of his organization has exposed and damaged the deep state like never before.

“Julian Assange, along with the whistleblowers who reveal to us the evil that is being done in our name, are heroes. They deserve our respect and admiration, not a prison cell,” Paul said in an op/ed released earlier this year. Paul has been one of the most consistent and prominent defenders of Wikileaks since its inception.

Assange will give a video address to the conference and set the stage for the whistleblowers roundtable to commence. The folks appearing in person to address conference attendees include: Thomas Drake, former NSA senior executive prosecuted by Obama under the Espionage Act; John Kiriakou, former CIA officer who was imprisoned for telling the truth; Peter Van Buren, long-time State Department employee turned controversial author; Philip Girardi, former CIA military intelligence officer who defected and began exposing the agency; and Jesselyn Radack, an attorney who represents many prominent whistleblowers.

The event will take place on Saturday, September 9, 2017 from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM at the Washington Dulles Airport Marriott located on 45020 Aviation Drive, Dulles, VA 20166. Tickets are still available right now, and can be purchased on their Eventbrite page.

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