Are Parents No Longer Teaching Respect?


Berkley continues allowing liberal snowflakes to rule their institution.

And why wouldn’t they?

Universities are businesses. They need to keep customers happy. Otherwise, they take their business elsewhere. School administrators don’t approve of the property damage caused by student’s outbursts. Yet, those students have parents paying huge loads of money, funding their education. Which, in turn, finances the institution.

These temper tantrums, in the name of social justice (of course), could represent a more serious problem which has been happening for decades.

Our parents and our grandparents were held responsible for their bad behavior growing up. Back then, parents sided with school administrators, reminding their children that teachers were not their babysitters. However, a complete cultural 180 has taken place, and not just with liberal dominated schools like Berkley, but across the nation.

When kids act up, it seems parents question why school administrators are so hard on their kids.  Then, in situations where a teacher or principal attempts to handle an out-of-control student, parents make claims that their child was treated, somehow, unfairly.

Educators Are Helpless

Today, high school teachers have less power in the classroom.

If a student refuses to obey, educators can kick them out of the room. Students can also be suspended. Yet, upon their return, nothing changes. It was nothing more than a prolonged timeout.

Perhaps you recall a 2016 incident which took place in South Carolina when a student was asked to leave a classroom several times and refused. The situation escalated to where a sheriff’s deputy was called in. He, too, asked several times for the girl to come with him. She refused. He had to use force. A video of him flipping the girl out of her seat went viral.

Guess what? The ACLU got involved and a lawsuit was filed against the officer and he was fired. Fortunately, all charges were dropped. Yet, the girl who was completely in the wrong became a victim in the media. She defied every authority figure and the law enforcement officer was fired.

So what’s the lesson here?

Parents Are the Problem

Parents swoop in when their child’s facing severe consequences at school. They meet with the principal to negotiate lesser charges or question why the administration is not able to handle it correctly — then, if that doesn’t work, threaten lawsuits.

The American society no longer keeps children accountable for their actions.

School administrators and law enforcement officers find themselves under a microscope. Instead of anyone asking why the young South Carolina girl decided to resist listening to her teachers, questions revolved more around how the situation could have been dealt with more appropriately.

As social justice warriors of the 70’s and 80’s fought to eliminate physical punishment at school, they made adult threats a joke. Authority has been, in fact, handed over to the youth.

Following President Trump’s election, schools allowed students to march out of their classrooms to protest. Keep in mind, the majority of high school students cannot vote. Most don’t even know what a foreign policy is, what impacts the economy, or the extent of the president’s power. But, they don’t like Trump and someone said he was a racist, which is enough to stage a protest.

Temper Tantrums

Ever see a child lose it at a grocery store? Screaming, throwing things and even going as far as to scream, “I hate you!”

You’ve likely seen it, or perhaps maybe that child was you a few decades ago. The one whose tantrum turns the heads of every store employee and nosey shopper.

It’s embarrassing for any parent to deal with. Some stand their ground, even as their child intensifies their outburst. Modern discipline tactics say spanking a child in public is a form of child abuse. Parents, regardless how strong their personalities may be, may verbally threaten the child with consequences, but certainly not bend them over their knee and spank them.

Then there are the parents who give in to their child’s outburst to keep them quiet. However, what they don’t realize is, it’s a defeat.

To appease a child to avoid a temper tantrum teaches the child to fight in order to get what you want. When temper tantrums work, they’ll do it over and over again.

Children learn to manipulate at an early age. They push their boundaries to see just how far they can go. If they know their parent gets easily embarrassed in public, they’ll play that card whenever necessary. However, if they know they’re in for it when they get home, you’ll see a child who may be angry but dare not push the issue.

Outlawing Spankings

The idea of spanking a child for doing wrong is frowned upon – classified by some as child abuse.

There have been cases where parents or guardians took spankings too far. Scenarios which may have done more harm physically and psychologically on a child. Those cases need to be addressed. Yet, child abuse cases don’t represent all forms of spanking.

Spankings should be carried out when the one delivering it is calm, never in the heat of the moment when emotions are running high. A discussion should happen first, make sure the child at least understands why the spanking is going to happen (regardless how much they protest), and following the spanking remind the child they’re loved and you want to see them do right. Then, do not discuss the incident anymore with your child. The only time you bring it up is when the child is considering doing the same action which resulted in the spanking. You can give a friendly reminder of the outcome which will result.

No, this system may not initially resonate with this child, but it will as time goes on.

Spankings should be focused on the buttock area since it has the most amount of cushion on the body. Also, spankings are supposed to hurt. Not to the point where bruises are left, but if it’s red for an hour or so, that’s OK. This is how children learn, at a young age, to obey rules.

It’s a matter of learning respect for the rules. Young children don’t always understand or grasp the reason for the rules, yet at this point in their lives, they also need to learn how to respect authority.

It also teaches them how to address problems differently over time and how to learn how to accept answers they don’t like.

To love a child is not to spare them the rod.

Every parent hopes their child turns out well and becomes a respectable citizen of society. Yet, when a child is never disciplined to the point it hurts (not physically but also emotionally) they will not function well as an adult. They will not be prepared for how harsh the world will treat them. When problems arise, they will look to mom and dad to fix them.

Catering to Feelings and Youth

Consider high school sports.

When an athlete is charged with a crime, parents are quick to defend their child. Instead of honoring the school’s rules regarding appropriate conduct, they meet with the principal to ‘work something out’. Something which does more to favor the athlete, allowing them to continue playing. The reasoning is based on, ‘we don’t want to see them suffer in the future for mistakes they made now’.

Consider how many athletes would think twice about their actions if there was a chance of being banned from a sport for a year or longer? If it could, in fact, impact the college they wanted to attend, or even impact potential scholarships?

Star high school players are catered to, especially if they’re trying to get athletic scholarships. Therefore, punishments are reduced to a slap on the hand.

Again, what’s the lesson here? If mom and dad come down to bail you out of trouble, and the worst which happens is a slap on the hand, then where’s the threat?  

Take a Look Around

Take a look at what happened following President Trump’s election.

At first, colleges had to be shut down for a day because students could not cope with the election outcome.  They had their life set for the next eight years in their small isolated worlds – worlds in which their future had Hillary Clinton running the country. They never even considered the possibility that Trump had a chance of winning. Then when he won, in their minds, the election was not fair.

Not long afterward, violence erupted in the streets, several marches took place, the Berkley incidents, and the most recent incident of Betsy DeVos being booed at a college where she was the commencement speaker. Not only that, students turned their backs on her while she spoke.

Yet, parents sit back and do nothing.

Students can certainly have a voice yet the idea of being respectful should also apply. Anyone should have the right to free speech without the worry of being assaulted, but to allow children to make major decisions, like those who did at Berkley through their heated temper tantrums, will further create a more entitled generation of crybabies.  

In Summary

An entitlement mentality has transitioned into adulthood.

The backlash from a lost election continues to torment the liberal elite. Regardless what similar actions liberal presidents have taken in the past (i.e., banning certain countries from entering the U.S.), whatever Donald Trump does – in their minds – is the root of all evil. It’s not even about the issues as much as it is who’s in office.

There’s no call to seek to understand and work together. The goal is to defy conservative reality-based ideology no matter what the current president says and does (i.e., liberals being upset Trump fired F.B.I. Director James Comey, even though they hated him for exposing Hillary Clinton’s emails).

The entitlement mentality is seen in groups like the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, which endorses violence against any form of what they consider to be hate-speech.

Most people would agree that to condemn a race, an ethnic group, or gender, is hate-speech. Yet, for liberals, it’s anything which hurts their feelings or doesn’t go along with the false narrative they want so badly to be brought into reality.

Dr. Phil addressed the situation around Ann Coulter not being able to speak at Berkley. He said entitlement is the reason for these violent protests. An entitled mindset believes anything in opposition to what they believe is a threat which needs to be threatened. He goes on to say that thunder can stir up excitement yet eventually the rain needs to come. In other words, there needs to be a dialogue between the two opposing parties.

Matthew Cassady is a freelance business writer supporting numerous companies with their content needs. Over the course of his 20-year career, Cassady has worked as a newspaper reporter, copywriter, corporate trainer, and now freelance business writer and Liberty Conservative contributor.


  1. First, spanking is anti-liberty. It can only teach that if you want to control behavior, inflict pain or threaten to. Don’t discuss what is right, or what would be justice for breaking some rule. “I’m the mommy, that’s why”. Ask Ammon Bundy who had to reset his dislocated shoulders for a shirt hung over his bunk. You don’t instill either the virtue to resist temptation or the intellect to know what is wrong? Fine, spank the child, but then spank yourself 10x for every blow to the child because you are the cause. Dump in daycare to be raised by strangers. Don’t interact or form their consciences. And then when they do something you haven’t properly taught them not to, inlict pain.

    And when you are old and in a nursing home and dependent on the same child for everything, maybe there will be payback. You, too, might not comply, but they will be in the positon of inflicting pain.

    Second, it creates all kinds of fear and other problems in the child, Stefan Molyneux has documented the SCIENCE ( Children don’t have subtle reasoning. They can’t provide for themselves or run away. So all they will know is you both feed and beat them, no matter how much you try to reframe it as some kind of judicial proceeding (without any due process, trial, etc.) and just punishment. All they will learn is you hurt them when you want to, and use a long speech to justify it which cannot be challenged, or any challenge will be met with more spanking.

    Parents do wrong too. I remember a recent pro-spanking “libertarian” who crashed his car. Did anyone spank him proportionately hard for his misdeed? No. If you support spanking, then when you do something wrong, you should hire a martial arts instructur to cane you and inflict the pain that would prevent you from ever doing it again.

    Now lets talk schools. Try wearing a Christian symbol or bringing a bible. Or a confederate flag (even if on your clothes). You will be suspended or worse. Chewing a pop=tart into the shape of a gun is another example. All that are far greater evils to the SJW PC schools. What is a parent to do. Say to the child “you can’t offend anyone, scare minorities or girls – but they won’t care about theft or violence”? The only thing more abusive than spanking is sending a child to a public school to be indoctrinated in socialism, not learn english and math or anything useful and confused to make it harder later, and how all the founding fathers were evil white males and most slave-owners. And you call this Stalinist, Maoist, gulag called a school “authority”? You’re foolish, evil, mad, or something similar.

    I’ll add all the new trend to but the most brutal police there to enforce discipline by arresting and/or beating children. But we all must do what officer thug tells us – he don’t need no steenking warrant.

    Interesting that I know lots of homeschoolers where Mommy is at home to do it and their brood has never been spanked and is more obedient to proper (natural law) authroity, and are polite, helpful, and model citizens ca. 1776. Not 1984.

  2. In short, no.
    Out-of-control pupils pelted Ofsted [UK government education standards body] inspectors with food at a school which has now been placed into special measures.

    Willenhall E-ACT Academy, which has more than 1,300 pupils, has been ranked inadequate by Ofsted across the board in a damning report which was published yesterday.
    Inspectors highlighted a catalogue of issues in the report, including sub-standard teaching and poor behaviour from pupils.
    The report says:
    One-third of pupils in Years 7 to 11 are persistently absent
    Ofsted inspectors were pelted with food during their inspection visit
    Students feel unsafe due to repeated poor behaviour
    Seventy per cent of teachers left the school during 2015 and 2016
    In many lessons, teachers are regularly interrupted by pupils

  3. Respect is a two way street. If you do not respect your child but use your power based on the hierarchy between parent and child, a child does not learn what respect is. So how can it SHOW respect??
    This way your child learns how power works . Be or act submissive when overpowered and abuse your own power as soon as there’s a loop hole.

    The discussion on not punishing or having an unrespectful child is wrong: raising your child without punishing / rewarding is not the same as letting it grow wild or spoiling it.
    In between is where you are actively guiding your son or daughter by listening: listening which requires translating it’s child’s way of expressing things to your own adult brain and respectfully guide your child from there. And giving it some responsibility, allowing it to make decisions, partly to feel accepted [children flourish because of that] and partly to learn what it means to make its own decisions, an important lesson for later in life. .
    You may not always like these decisions but hey… you are not have things your own way all the time, either. Show your child that you too can do something you don’t like for the benefit of someone else (your child.) THAT teaches respect!

    This way of raising your child means a lot of investment… making punish/reward systems seem like lazy parenting styles 🙂

    Pedagogic experts had lured me into punishing / rewarding systems when my child was born. during those years I had struggles with my child, At some point I saw how ridiculous powerplay is. And with powerplay I also mean rewarding.. A reward system also lets you set the rules, be the judge, etc And withholding the reward -because it is supposeldy undeserved- is a punishment.
    [ By the way.. do you reward on the result or on the effort a child gave even when failing ?? ]
    Continuing with the ridiculousness of a reward system: when halfway during the day a child already lost his right to a reward…. this child might as well be nasty for the rest of the day if it feels like it. There’s nothing to lose.

    Doesn’t that show you how punishments /rewards are things you trade. You as a parent hope to gain good behavior or rather an undisturbed day, now and who knows how long a future….. as trade for your investment by punishing /rewarding.

    However.. there is a price to pay when you make such deals: the pricce is that you have a child who has learned weird things like:
    * When you are more powerful, it is OK to hurt the less powerful one to get what you want
    (If your child has kept his innate social characteristics it may keep on being nice to others, but you did not teach him that)
    * It does not only hurt physically, it is SHAMING your child , so you give your child low self esteem
    * Spanking the bottom is the worst thig you can do: it links shaming and pain to sexual arousal, which kids can feel at a very young age! Read f.i. : and

    To be honest .. you are not paying the price. Your child is, and will be during his adult life!

    My child would rebel against punishment (which was actually a very healthy respons) so .. should I punish him double for not wanting to be punished? And if he fights that? a triple punishment??
    Disgusted by this rather animalistic view on parenting, I moved from rewarding/punishing to listening and showing respect. I might not like some of my child’s choices; if it is not endangering him or anyone else, I let him do it. If it was something stupid he wanted to do, I would discuss it, explain and still I could leave the choice to him ,for he was a smart kid. As he grew older, I told him to do research on what he wished for, for 48 hours and then convince me why I should allow it. He came to see things my way in those 48 hours. Always! No… not on the issue of the iPod… so I helped finance it.
    My child and I stopped quarreling the moment I began ‘active listening’ and I get so many compliments on how sensitive and helpfull he is. He does show respect to others (teacher too) for it was taught to him by making him experience what it means to be respected.

    If you don’t know how to raise your children by respecting them, try a “parent effectiveness training” by a Thomas Gordon teacher. It works!

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