Much has been made of the racial tension in the mainstream media lately, specifically with the treatment of African Americans by the police and justice system. Looking at statistical figures, there is a clear issue involving race. But does that make one race more important than the others?
Black Lives Matter and other black supremacists have rioted a number of times after shooting incidents that result in the death of an African American. To be clear, death is a tragedy and aggression is wrong. The skin color of the victim doesn’t change anything.
Black supremacists would lead us to believe that only black lives are worth defending. Their message isn’t “black lives matter, too”, but instead “black lives matter, only.”
There was a recent incident involving the shooting of a 19-year-old white teenager on a date being shot by police. Police were conducting an undercover sting over drugs and after they clearly used excessive force in killing Zachary Hammond, they arrested his date over ten grams of marijuana.
Where were the White Lives Matter riots? Where were the angry white supremacists storming through the streets, vandalizing businesses, harassing and harming innocent citizens, and otherwise disrupting social order?
There weren’t any.
Now there’s an incident involving a six-year-old white child being shot multiple times by police who ultimately died as police argued over the situation. Police pursued his father, Christopher Few, after witnessing an argument between Few and his girlfriend. Few fled the scene and then was cornered on a dead end street. After one of the police officers got out of their car, they fired several shots at the vehicle immediately. Body cam footage released by the Judge showed Few’s hands raised at the time the shots had been fired.
The released footage then shows police finding the child shot and bleeding, and then an officer later acknowledging the child still had a pulse.
In the aftermath of the incident, the outrage has been minimal in comparison to what normally occurs after an African American is killed. Does this six year old’s life not matter as much as an adult, because the child is white and the grownup is black? It’s a disturbing trend that society is setting.
All lives matter should be the message after each and every tragic murder incident. Not black lives matter or white lives matter, but all lives matter. It’s not racist, it’s endorsing racial equality and opposing violence of all kinds.
Violent protests much like the ones that broke out in Ferguson and Charlotte reflect a growing aggression among black supremacists. While the claim is that black lives matter and inequality is real, they seek to swing the imbalance instead of creating a balance. Their clear aim isn’t to make white lives and black matters both matter equally, but to make black lives more important.
In society, all lives should matter regardless of creed, orientation, and even race. This six-year-old little boy’s life shouldn’t be less important simply because he isn’t African American. But this is the implication that society is making when they riot over adult African American deaths while looking the other way when white children are killed.
That’s because white people are the new slaves with their “Comply or Die” mentality.
the problem is the BLM’s race obsessed communism . perhaps the argument went over your head. they are rallying people behind the police state like no other.
Really?! According to the last debate, both presidential candidates are rather comfortable with a police state.
Shane G Trejo
sorry, but I am just not manipulated by propaganda as easy as you are Jerry
Matthew – the point is the mob communists rioting in the streets are rallying middle america behind the police state. BLM=useful idiot scum and nothing more.
Shane… Quit tagging me in posts, dude. It’s my thread and I’ll respond in kind later. Like a fucking 5-year old child vying for attention.
Shane G Trejo
” sorry, but I am just not manipulated by propaganda as easy as you are Jerry
And yet you believe conservative propaganda.
Top 7 Times Black Lives Matter Stood Up for Innocent Whites and Police
Read more:
Matthew – I’ll be sure to tag you more now that I know it triggers you
Jerry – did they stand up for innocent whites beating them in the street? or how about when they burnt the cities to the ground?
I’ll never ever become a useful idiot and an apologist for mob communism. Under any circumstances. No matter how much asinine bleeding-heart propaganda that you come up with, kapeech?
Shane G Trejo
“Bleeding heart propaganda”?
Yeah, it is as I thought. You’re more “conservative” than liberty and with the same “conservative” flaw. When faced with a choice between freedom and tyranny, support tyranny and it’s enforcers.
Btw, Shane G Trejo,…
Black activists rally for unarmed white man shot by police
I just call your BS for what it is, Jerry. Enjoy the pat on the head from your liberal comrades for being their useful idiot though. I’m sure it makes you feel really good inside. Meanwhile, I’ll actually fight for and defend the cause of liberty – something that you lack the courage to do.
Shane G Trejo
You’re not very well read or knowedgeable, are you?
More prisoners proven to be wrongly convicted than ever before
Shane G Trejo
It is stuff like this that is the reason BLM formed.
Cops beat autistic man for ‘bulge in his pants’
I know that you’re easily manipulated by headlines and a bleeding heart, but BLM is rallying middle America around the police state. That is the point I have made over and over again that you ignore out of intellectual dishonesty.
Also, in case you were unaware, here is the cause that you are the unwitting useful idiot for:
Oh, Shane…
You should be thankful that an entire country separates you and I after your little comment about my fiancé. If we ever cross paths, I won’t hesitate to snatch the life out of you.
More whites are killed by police then blacks but the liberal media won’t report that
Black people are actually killed at a higher statistical rate than whites people. That’s a fact.
By other black folks…
Than go to a blm rally and support them while they kick your teeth in for being white matthew.
Actually, native Americans are killed at a higher rate.
Fred Sanicky
” Than go to a blm rally and support them while they kick your teeth in for being white matthew.”
Dumb statement.
Fred Sanicky
And don’t forget this:
7 Times Black Lives Matter Stood Up for Innocent Whites and Police
Read more:
Ever try to get white folk to protest anything, any crime by govt?
They just hump up and take it no matter how criminal the govt gets and think they’re “patriotic” and “law abidin'” in doing so!