Rand Paul’s Attacker Exposed As Far-Left Bernie Sanders Supporter


One day prior to ANTIFA’s ‘day of rage’ designed to stoke fury against President Donald Trump and his Republican cohorts, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was accosted at his home by a left-wing terrorist desperate to make the pain real for his political opponents.

Rene Boucher, a 59-year-old Bowling Green resident and registered Democrat, allegedly ambushed Paul at his own home on Friday night. According to the warrant issued for Boucher’s arrest, the brutal assault left Paul with cuts to the nose and mouth area, as well as with potential rib injuries resulting in him having trouble breathing. Boucher is now behind bars and facing a $5,000 bond for his suspected crimes.

“Senator Paul was blindsided and the victim of an assault,” said Kelsey Cooper, Paul’s Kentucky communications director, in an email. “The assailant was arrested and it is now a matter for the police.”

Unsurprisingly, Boucher’s social media activity indicates that he is a far-left socialist who supported Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for President last year. Boucher’s Facebook page is littered with posts in favor of Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), left-wing anarchist Noam Chomsky, and former FBI director James Comey, with non-stop coverage of the mainstream media’s reporting on Trump’s supposed Russian scandal. The FBI has declared that the attack was politically motivated.

“78 degrees today in Bowling Green and no terrorist attacks,” Boucher wrote on Facebook in March. Little did he realize that he would personally disrupt his own forecast in the near future!

Months earlier, another socialist Bernie Sanders fanatic sprayed gunfire at Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) during a Congressional baseball practice that Paul was attending. Although he was lucky to escape on that occasion, this marks the second time that Paul was the victim of left-wing terrorism in the past year alone.

Boucher works as an anesthesiologist and pain specialist in Bowling Green, and designed a device known as the Therm-a-Vest to relieve back pain which he attempted to sell through television infomercials in the early 2000s. He is facing fourth-degree assault charges, and could face up to 12 months in jail.

Sanders, the subversive political leader behind much of the violence, infamously called on his radical devotees to “take down Trump” in July, and released a “guide to revolution” in August. Based on the widespread attacks across the country against both Republican politicians and Trump supporters in recent months, it has become evident that they are heeding his call.


  1. Like the KKK, Rene Boucher is a “home-grown terrorist.” He’s another Timothy McVeigh.Ethnicity is irrelevant, and to categorize a “terrorist” to one who practices the Islamic faith is racist.Along with the ISIS adherent who attacked downtown Manhattan, Boucher should be expeditiously shipped to Guantanamo.All methods of interrogation should be permissible, and the US Congress should stay out of the way.

    • You are a special kind of stupid. Since islam is not a race but a satanic religion you can’t be a racist because you dislike them. Time to pull your head out of your ass.

    • Islam is a religion. Who said it was a”race?” If you read with some degree of objectivity, it would be clearly understood that I was comparing “home-grown” terrorists, who are predominantly Caucasian, to “Islamists,” who practice a distorted version of Islam. most of whom are non-white. Like many who respond, you label one as “stupid,” when all you are doing is manifesting your own “special kind of ignorance.” Perhaps your understanding of the English language requires improvement. Try reading a book. Buy a dictionary. Video games are bruising your brain.

    • Islam is a “satanic Religion?” There are over one billion practicing Muslims, most of whom are hard-working peaceful individuals. They have a good work ethic, believe in prayer, and provide for their families. They send their children to school, with the hope that they can obtain an education, and become proper law-abiding adults. How dare you insult these people by referring to them as “satanic?” You’re lucky to be in America. This nation has given you the freedom to espouse your special kind of insults unimpeded. If you were in the land of your forefathers,your tongue would probably be neatly removed from your mouth, and you’d have to learn sign language.Keep playing video games.They could only enhance an IQ. which appears to be lower than low.

    • Well, you apparently think that a billion and a half people, many of whom practice a moderate form of Islam, are a “sick and demented cult.”Lol. Your opinion lacks specificity, and I can only dismiss it to your lack of education, or unwillingness to understand the world as it truly exists.The 1st amendment specifies freedom of religion. Not your religion, but all religions. You apparently think that all Muslims are terrorists. Who could argue with a person who has already made up her mind.

    • Louis Pushkin You called it a race when you said, “… to categorize a “terrorist” as one who practices the Islamic faith is racist.” You can’t call someone a ‘racist’ if you’re not talking about a ‘race’.

    • Louis Pushkin All that can be said is it is a shame the Crusaders didn’t finish the job they started. The goat humpers are still living in the dark ages.

    • Lol. The old one living in the Dark Ages is you, Mr. One Hung Low.You’re also an angry kind of species. You have not said one single thing that makes any sense. You defer to Mr. Simon,who however misguided, attempts to make a cogent argument.You know nothing about the topic under discussion. You’re just anti-semitic, that’s all. Please, don’t refer comments to me anymore. I was hoping to have some type of intelligent discussion with the participants, but I only see insults. Simplistic insults. A 3rd grader could do better. Stick with your video games.

    • Diana Kerr If you read carefully, a comparison was drawn between a “home-grown terrorist,” who is white, as opposed to an Islamic fundamentalist was is non-white. That’s where the term “racist” is used. Is that understandable to you? I hope so.I must remember to refrain from getting involved with members of FB who enjoy argument for the sake of argument. It leads no where.

    • Yet on many other crucial matters of liberty no one is further from Bernie than Rand. Rand regularly bashed socialism, and publicly, repeatedly challenged Bernie to a debate.

  2. Y este cree que está en Cuba.Imbécil estás en América!Y apoyar al viejo socialista cagalitroso,no te da derecho a pegarle a otra persona,mucho menos a un miembro del congreso.No sé,pero tienes cara de pichón de piojo pegado.Lo dejo a su reflexión.

  3. Another good reason to send The mentally deranged lefties to Guantanamo. Anyone from ANTIFA Should be 1st in line.

    • It’s not like he shot and killed 26 churchgoers including a 17 month old infant and wounded an additional 25. That was a Trump voter.

    • And not a thing is true in this article. Yes his neighbor attacked him, but so far the FBI hasn’t said this was politically motivated. You should probably take your own advice and do more research before believing something that is posted. Especially when it uses language designed to cause separation between the political groups.

    • Sorry Ben but I disagree, this is obviously politically motivated and I really don’t care what CNN or msnbc has to say or how they will try to spin this. Funny how it happens on antifas weekend of protest. I’ll stick to my guns on this one.

    • I’m not being manipulated in the least Ben. Antifa had their protests in Chicago and New York. When these protests morph into violence againts counterprotestors in the coming weeks we will see the true face of many of the antifa members. The narrative on this is just like the scalise shooting, it is absolutely politically motivated but we are being told by the msm it isnt.

    • Right Ben like the professor in Cali hitting the guy with the bike lock, or the girl throwing bottles with m80s in them. I think you need to check your sources.

    • Whatever man agree to disagree. I’ll do what I do you do what you do. I have better things to do than debate on social media about which news sources are true or not. Have a good day.

  4. This was an assasination attempt on one of the greatest American patriots …….. Bannon and Trump need to take ANTIFA and the socialists seriously. Start with Berkeley protestors and Maxine Waters and all the Hollywood celebs who made assasination threats on Trump

  5. WTF? Manafort’s bond is $10 million and this dirtbag Rene Boucher’s is $5000? He attempted to murder a U.S. Senator!!

    • Tackling someone and breaking their ribs does not warrant an attempted murder charge Don. I’m not defending this jackass or manner in which he’s been charged. My only conclusion is there must be more to this conflict than is being reported because typically any assault on a federal employee is a felony, even a threat towards one.

  6. $5000 bond?! 12 months in jail?! Uh what kind of message are we sending here folks?! Talk about a lawless society!!! There needs to be much harsher consequences for this kind of behavior…we can’t let these idiots intimidate the only good guys we have in Washington…we already lost Chaffez!!!

  7. Why ONLY 5 thousand dollars bail after what he deliberately did?
    I don’t understand this lenient judge, for God’s sake.

  8. It was over leaves. Calm the f#ck down with the far-left-liberal-terrorist B.S. They’ve been neighbors for years, and the leaf situation boiled over.

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