White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump isn't bothered by reports that it may take months for the Senate to vote on healthcare. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump isn't bothered by reports that it may take months for the Senate to vote on healthcare. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Sarah Sanders Deals Out Reality Check For The Mainstream Media

When Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders got behind the podium at yesterday’s Press Briefing, the truth finally came out.

One correspondent posed a question in regards to CNN recently publishing a false news story, resulting in a number of individuals getting fired. The outlet reportedly apologized for this incident, but the President, of course, took to his social media account to call CNN “fake news.” The corresponded wanted to know why CNN’s initial response “was not good enough for the President.”

Secretary Huckabee Sanders responded, “I don’t know that it’s that the response isn’t good enough for the President. I think it’s the constant barrage of fake news directed at this President probably that has garnered a lot of his frustration.”

“There’s a video circulating now, whether it’s accurate or not I don’t know, but I would encourage everybody in this room, and, frankly, everybody across the country to take a look at it,” she said. “I think if it is accurate, I think it’s a disgrace to all of media, to all of journalism.”

What she said next is the reality check for all the journalists out where who refuse to air both sides of the story in a fair and unbiased manner.

“I think that we have gone to a place where if the media can’t be trusted to report the news, then that’s a dangerous place for America. And I think if that is the place that certain outlets are going, particularly for the purpose of spiking ratings, and if that’s coming directly from the top, I think that’s even more scary and certainly more disgraceful.”

Sanders correctly pointed out that a number of positive things about the administration such as job growth barely receive any coverage. The Trump-Russia story, regardless of the fact there has been no legitimate indication of any ties, beats out everything else by a wide margin. She believes that America is “looking for something better” from their reporters.

“I think [the American people] deserve something better from our news media,” Sanders said. “If we make the slightest mistake, the slightest word is off, it is just an absolutely tirade from a lot of people in this room. But news outlets get to go on day after day and cite unnamed sources [and] use stories without sources.”

While Sanders words are not likely to resonate with the reporters themselves, it certainly echoed the sentiments of millions of Trump supporters around the country.

Alissa Stechschulte is a senior at Gettysburg College studying Political Science with a concentration in American Government. She was born and raised in New York City, and a little over two years ago was #WithHer. But once she got involved in politics, she realized her values and beliefs were more conservative. She currently lives in Washington D.C. with her husband Will.

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