Austin Petersen, now running to be a U.S. Senator for the Republican Party in the state of Missouri, is attempting to reinvent himself after a failed run for the Presidency as a Libertarian Party contender last year. A recent tweet from Petersen took aim at “Never Trump” Republicans waging war against the leader of their
MoreThe Liberty Conservative is proud to announce that it is endorsing Josh Hawley, the current Attorney General of Missouri, for U.S. Senate. Incumbent Senator Claire McCaskill has shown herself to bee a strident opponent of liberty at every turn. During her time in office, she has consistently backed indefinite detention of American citizens, wasteful federal
MoreAny young woman who has organized conservatives or libertarians on campus can tell you first hand that sexism is a lingering problem. Dealing with young males emboldened by this toxic culture is hard enough, but leadership figures exhibiting blatant misogyny is over the line. And it is what I experienced first hand from perpetual candidate
MoreThe marijuana legalization movement has built a tremendous deal of momentum in recent years, but partisan leftists can’t help but ruin a good thing. Trish Bertrand, an anti-capitalist activist who advocates regulating and restricting the marijuana industry in her state, held up a sign saying “COPS AND THE KKK GO HAND IN HAND” at a
MoreSince announcing his candidacy for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, former Libertarian Party presidential candidate Austin Petersen has piqued the interest of Missouri conservatives seeking a candidate to unseat left-wing incumbent Claire McCaskill. A candidate with national prominence like Petersen would initially appear to be an ideal nominee in one of the most closely