The Liberty Conservative is proud to announce that it is endorsing Josh Hawley, the current Attorney General of Missouri, for U.S. Senate.
Incumbent Senator Claire McCaskill has shown herself to bee a strident opponent of liberty at every turn. During her time in office, she has consistently backed indefinite detention of American citizens, wasteful federal stimulus bills, bailouts, and tax hikes. It is very clear that she does not represent the interests of the people of Missouri, but rather, the entrenched Washington elite that bankrolls her campaigns. It is thereby imperative that she is replaced in 2018 with someone who will stand strongly for the principles of limited government and individual freedom that have defined our nation.
Our decision to back Hawley was not made lightly, but came after discussions with the Hawley campaign, a thorough evaluation of the field, the consolidation of fiscal conservatives behind Hawley, and the decision of other candidates not to run. Ultimately, we chose Hawley because his record as Attorney General has shown that he is a committed constitutional conservative, and as an individual, he demonstrates the personal integrity we would expect from a U.S. Senator.
Josh Hawley has the talent, vision, and broad appeal required to beat Claire McCaskill, and we are therefore honored to support his campaign in order to advance the cause of liberty in the United States Senate.
Why not Peterson? He won’t support McConnell where Hawley last I knew wouldn’t commit.
Petersen is not a credible candidate
But Muh @AP4Liberty !
What a joke.
Stop calling yourself Liberty Conservative if you can’t support the only conservative in the race. #AustinPeterson is the right candidate for Missouri.
AP is the only liberty candidate in the race! Not establishment hacks.
“Liberty Conservative endorses the swamp”
Incumbent Senator Claire McCaskill has shown herself to bee Oh spell check, where is thy sting?
What a joke…
Didnt Remso also support Ted ” JFK KILLER” Cruz too?
I don’t think I can support a page that claims to support Liberty, but turns right around and supports a candidate who doesn’t deserve the seat and will be a hamper to our Liberty.
You guys just completely lost me. How could you POSSIBLY choose him over true liberty candidate #AustinPetersen???
Absolutely foolish, anti-liberty choice.
For other readers/followers, please watch this before you make your own personal decision:
Thia endorsement is meant to be provocative, not philosophical. Very disappointing. Unliked.
Yikes. Change your name, sellout
You endorse the establishment big government candidate hand picked by Mitch McConnell!?!
Are you crazy??
He promised when he ran for AG here in Missouri that he would not use that to seek higher and as soon as he gets elected he seeks higher office!
Why would you trust anyone that can even keep his campaign promise for even a year!!!
“The Liberty Conservative” neither represents the Liberty Movement nor actual conservatism.
You just endorsed Mitch McConnels pick. You might as well rename yourselves “the Swampland Progressive”.
I don’t know how the guys working here think people take you seriously.
You guys don’t represent Liberty or Conservatives. You just endorsed McConnels pick.
Just rebrand yourselves “The Swampland Progressive” and get over yourselves.
Your entire viewpoint is based on a vendetta rather than principle.
As Trump would say, “Sad!”
Climb a tall ladder and jump off. So you like establishment liars I see.
Liberty Conservative? I don’t think so. If you were really “liberty conservative”, you’d support the liberty candidate. #AP4SENATE