Trump Administration Scrambles to Salvage Russian Diplomatic Ties in New Era of McCarthyism

The Trump administration hoped to normalize relations with Russia after his predecessor’s diplomatic failures reignited a Cold War of sorts, but the sore losers in the Democratic Party are intent upon keeping the countries at odds with each other. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is trying to repair the damage, but it is a tall order.

“Today our relationships with Russia are at a very low point so the President asked me to begin a re-engagement process with Russia,” Tillerson said during a diplomatic visit to New Zealand.

Tillerson was chosen as Secretary of State partly because of his strong connections to Russia. He was awarded Russia’s Order of Friendship medal in 2013 by President Vladimir Putin personally back when he was CEO of ExxonMobil. If anyone could mend fences at this point, it would be Tillerson.

“[Trump’s] been quite clear with me to proceed at whatever pace and in the areas I think we might make progress. I really am not involved in any of these other issues,” Tillerson said after being pressed about ongoing Russian investigations being pushed by Democrats.

Trump’s fiercely partisan opponents seem intent upon sabotaging any chances of a Russian-American alliance, even though crushing the alliance would empower ISIS and Al Queda forces in the Middle East. With recent NSA leaks adding fuel to the fire and disgraced former FBI director James Comey scheduled to give Congressional testimony tomorrow, Democrats show no signs of ceasing their wild goose chase. A legislator is even introducing measures to impeach the President.

“Obstruction of justice by the president is the problem,” Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) said. “Impeachment by Congress is the solution.”

Although they cannot really specify what justice was obstructed or even be clear on what Comey was supposed to be investigating, that has not stopped desperate Democrats from their crusade to undermine the democratic process and overturn the choice that the American public made last November. Regardless of what the former FBI Director may or may not say tomorrow, do not expect Democrats to quit imitating the late Joe McCarthy any time soon.

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