There has been no shortage of controversy surrounding the Ron Paul inspired activist group Young Americans for Liberty since Cliff Maloney Jr took over as president of the organization. Fresh off his time as leader of the youth arm of the Rand Paul campaign, Cliff took over in May of 2016, and almost immediately became embroiled in controversy. Within only a couple of weeks of Cliff taking over at YAL, National Field Director Ty Hicks posted a message to the YAL Chapter Presidents group demanding that (due in part to his support for Trump) YAL chapters refrain from hosting Milo on campus. This message was framed as an official statement from YAL National.
Maloney ultimately retracted this due to the backlash surrounding the decision (though there is still controversy over whether that truly happened), yet this was only the beginning of a string of decision making which would compromise the ability of Young Americans for Liberty to effectively reach out to conservatives and libertarians who supported the Donald Trump campaign. Just six months later YAL was again embroiled in a Trump related controversy involving Ty Hicks, after he stated that he did not see “how anyone could consciously vote for Donald Trump without some level of serious racial prejudice in their worldview”. This was in response to a story about vandalism of a black church which turned out to be a hoax. When The Liberty Conservative confronted YAL about this statement we were met with hostility and accusations of slander. As I pointed out in our piece on the promotion of Hicks after these statements were made, “Hicks has still not apologized despite repeated calls to do so (he was contacted prior to the publishing of this piece and has not responded to our request for comment), and even defended his statement at the time by attacking the author of the piece for daring to criticize a public statement he made as a leader of a student group. He characterized the publication of his bigoted statements as “slander”. Even after Trump’s election, even after the string of leftist abuse of conservatives that has surrounded the aftermath of it, and even after the very story Hicks cited in labeling all Trump supporters as racially prejudiced was proven to be false he has still refused to apologize for this incorrigible statement. How is such a statement defensible in an era where the majority of people who we hope to convert into our cause voted for Donald Trump?
Hicks was ultimately promoted to Executive Vice President, even after this disgraceful stunt, and his public position remains this since he has neither corrected, retracted or apologized for it.
When someone like Hicks makes repeated moves which compromise the ability of an organization to effectively reach out to potential recruits, and is promoted despite those repeated moves, it brings up serious questions as to whether the leadership of an organization is behaving with the best interests of that organization in mind. Those questions are now amplified significantly after it was brought to the attention of this author that Cliff Maloney was paid $12,000 by the Gary Johnson campaign according to their September 2016 FEC filing, as well as $11,000 in their October 2016 filing and $6,000 in their November 2016 filing, for a staggering total of $29,000. Maloney failed to disclose this five figure payment in several media appearances and social media posts in which either the subject of Trump or dissatisfaction with the two major parties came up. In fact, it seems that word has been kept completely quiet as to Maloney’s financial relationship with the Johnson/Weld campaign.
The number of questions this brings up is almost too many to count. The tone of Young Americans for Liberty shifted notably once Maloney took over, taking a far more anti Trump and pro third party attitude. Did this have anything to do with the five figure payment that a third party presidential candidate made to the new executive director? Those questions are only amplified by the outrageous handling of the situations involving Ty Hicks, who has still not apologized for his remarks about the racial prejudice of Trump supporters, nor publicly retracted them, and was promoted after making them. Why would the leader of an organization whose primary recruiting base is conservative and libertarian students fail to address such a serious display of hostility towards that recruiting base? Why would he reward a person who made such a statement? Cliff Maloney needs to address these issues instead of ignoring them and demonizing those who bring them up. This is a textbook conflict of interest, and it makes this author question whether or not the YAL network was pitched a narrative which was more attempt to get them to vote Gary Johnson than an attempt to grow the network.
Young Americans for Liberty is too important an organization to the liberty movement for these sorts of questions to continue to pop up, and at this point the onus is on Cliff Maloney to turn things around and get the organization back to the point where it was under Jeff Frazee, a time when we truly did “Make Liberty Win”. I get messages from YAL activists who are disillusioned far too often, and the general shift in the attitude of leadership has been a consistent source of complaint. In order to make YAL great again Cliff Maloney needs to answer the questions surrounding his decisions over the use of the YAL Network, and resolve to not make such decisions going forward. This organization has a huge role to play in the Trump era, where colleges are clamping down on free speech like never before, but it isn’t going to happen if the oppressed campus conservative doesn’t believe we are with them. Making it happen is worth a hell of a lot more than $29,000 from Gary Johnson.
Cliff Maloney Jr did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
Motto: “We sell-out CHEAP!!!”
Why does it feel like you guys aren’t going to stop this witch hunt till Maloney and Hicks’ heads roll?
Jeeze, way to be useful idiots for the left (who also engage in this all the time)
>higher ups in an organization take what are essentially bribes to smear a single political opponent
>”geez guyz way to be useful idiots for wanting people to be held accountable for their wrongdoing”
(Also how tf is this helping the left, YAL has pretty obviously hostile to nationalist sentiments while being completely open to socialist and communist infiltration so)
Patrick Quinlan It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out Maloney was trying to help the youth for GJ campaign out. He was hired as a consultant, no secret there. Hicks’ words were his own, and was not coordination as this article insinuates (and I completely disagree with his opinion about Trump voters too). Maloney and Hicks have done a lot to build the youth liberty activist movement, and one cannot forget that. They are good, hardworking guys on our side, and have put in a lot of effort.
Leftists on campus will see articles like this and use it to smear chapter presidents who have to work hard to sell an idea we all want.
Besides, individuals in YAL cover a whole spectrum, and it is patently dishonest to say it is open to socialist infiltration, there are plenty of former socialists I have met who opened their eyes thanks to YAL.
PS: ODH, saw your cover photo.
Everything Anurup Kankanhalli said. Petty vendettas only makes you look impotent and hurt your cause.
l don’t get what you’re trying to say. YAL is not a Republican organization, so why shouldn’t he work with the LP? And there are trump supporters that are clearly racist, but each of us is responsible for our own actions, as the LP states.
It seems like this is just a hit piece with no substance. He has no requirement to disclose a relationship, especially when your org is not part of the republican party.
LP says we’re each responsible for our own actions, so if any sheep are influenced by what 1 person says, which we actually agree with, that’s not Cliff’s problem. That’s the ignorant people who can’t think for themselves. YAL is more closely aligned with the LP and YAL doesn’t work for the republican party. There is no conflict of interest.
Anarup…as someone in a leadership role for an organization it is against the norm to speak out or for political candidates…
Frederick Dominguez like Ruth Bader-Ginsberg??
I have found YAL to be an excellent campus organization that has helped me greatly. I cannot concur with anything written in this article.
Everything Kankanhalli said. Petty vendettas only makes you look impotent and hurt your cause.
l don’t get what you’re trying to say. YAL is not a Republican organization, so why shouldn’t he work with the LP? And there are trump supporters that are clearly racist, but each of us is responsible for our own actions, as the LP states.
It seems like this is just a hit piece with no substance. He has no requirement to disclose a relationship, especially when your org is not part of the republican party.
LP says we’re each responsible for our own actions, so if any sheep are influenced by what 1 person says, which we actually agree with, that’s not Cliff’s problem. That’s the ignorant people who can’t think for themselves. YAL is more closely aligned with the LP and YAL doesn’t work for the republican party. There is no conflict of interest.
I’m a Rand fan too. I ended up voting for Trump.
I won’t say who I voted for because of my pac but I missed Rand. 🙁
Balkanizing the non-left is no way to defeat the left.
Nice work
Unliked, shame on you idiots!
Man, this page is starting to look like Breitbart.
Left Libertarians cant stop complaining about Maloney saying “Make America Great Again” on a hot mike at the Atlanta Summit, and y’all are trying to gin up an issue here. Im beginning to understand why the Libertarian party can never capitalize on the historic discontent with the two mainstream parties.
Unlike:). This pages personal vendetta is just pathetic now.
Time to drop that one star review:).
This is a lame hit piece.
Man, you people really have it out for YAL.
“Sad!” -Trump #micdrop
Come on man this is getting really ridiculous.
“The tone of Young Americans for Liberty shifted notably once Maloney took over, taking a far more anti Trump and pro third party attitude.”
Complete bullshit. I was an activist with YAL for the past 4 years until I graduated in May. The tone from YAL has been consistent. That tone has been empowering libertarians on campus to spread libertarian principals in a variety of ways. The activists have the freedom to choose how they do this and when they do this. We fought for free speech, criminal justice reform, and educated our campuses. Without YAL it would have been impossible. There was absolutely no change of tone from the time Frazee left and Maloney took over. You’re out of your minds. All of these clowns at the Liberty Conservative haven’t been on a college campus to witness what CR’s and TPUSA do, and yet they act like experts on which groups are the most active.
All of these guys at the Liberty Conservative haven’t gotten off their ass to promote liberty, they just whine on the internet and think they’re doing something productive.
Worse, they did their level best to sink activism. They took the word of someone who was fired for cause to try and kill the campaign that had just fired them. Just for clicks
Yal has been the same since it was formed. These kids are full of shit.
Cliff “Pay-for-play” Maloney got caught with his hand in the cookie jar yet again! I have seen someone say that Cliff assured them personally that he wasn’t involved with the Johnson campaign too.
I wonder how bad the corruption will have to get for all of these YAL apologists to admit the reality of the situation.
It’s not YAL apologists, it’s people recognize a petty vendetta when they see it.
What other organizations did GJ donate to?
“I have seen someone say” what type of hearsay is that? Are we just supposed to take your word on that?
Michael Coombes – you said Cliff personally assured you he wasn’t involved with the Johnson/Weld campaign last year, correct?
Something to that effect, he said he wasnt interested in the LP and they needed to get their act together, more of a liberty republican. But of course he never said anything about the Johnson campaign donating YAL money, I doubt anyone would think to brng that up
Unlike! Sad!
“There are valid points in that Liberty Conservative article…
YAL seems to have faded into irrelevancy since Maloney took over.”
– facebook user
This is so dumb. Anyone that has talked to Cliff or Ty knows they are some of the hardest working and most effective liberty warriors out there. Of course, in this moment I’m not following Cliff’s advice and am engaging in a Facebook fight. But hey, I’m going to go donate to YAL today because they are actually making a difference
Give it a break with the racist sexists comments about other Americans it is getting people murdered with all the hate speech I don’t care what party it is people need to quit supporting all party’s and start voting for the best man or woman for the country!! Independence is far better than partisan politics that are hurting the entire country!!!
More garbage slinging
Is this a legit website or are they just trolling? It’s so fucking stupid it could be either.
Keep driving people away, guys. You’re doing great!
“Head of area liberty organization works for libertarian candidate.”
Wow, top flight shit guys. Keep it up.
Get over yourselves
Useful idiots is a perfect description. This makes me very sad because I at one time thought you were better than this Rocco Lucente. Cliff has been an ally and friend of liberty and all those fighting for it for years.. One of my oldest Ron Paul friends. You trashing him is pathetic and sad, to quote your new favorite.