According to a letter released by ABC reporter Candace Smith, lawyers for Donald Trump have sued the New York Times over their report published on October 12 titled “Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately.”
The piece includes testimony from two women who allege that sometime “thirty years ago,” Trump assaulted them. One of the women claims that Trump assaulted her publicly on a plane- that his hands were like “an octopus”- and that somehow nobody on the plane saw.
It is also suspicious, given Trump’s more than 40 years in the public eye and past 20 years as an extremely prominent reality TV star, that these allegations just happen to show up a month before the presidential election.
In a letter to the Times, Trump’s lawyers write:
“Your article is reckless, defamatory, and constitutes libel per se. It is apparent from, among other things, the timing of the article, that it is nothing more than a politically motivated effort to defeat Mr. Trump’s candidacy.”
The lawyers continue to lambast the Times for conducting an “entirely inadequate investigation to test the veracity of these false and malicious allegations, including why these two individuals waited, in one case, 11 years, and, in another case, more than three decades, before deciding to come forward with these false and defamatory statements.”
The letter ends with the lawyers demanding a retraction and an apology from the Times and threatening legal action if they do not comply.
Read the full letter below.
all they do is smear him with lie’s and it is not going to work no more ! go trump !
Don’t mind chuck he’s a liberal troll…
Donald Trump cannot win this election. If that wasn’t clear before, it is becoming crystal clear now.
It’s time for Republicans, and all Americans, to face that reality. And it’s time to reject the notion that he is the only option other than Hillary Clinton. Americans deserve better. Women deserve better.
For you to have studied at “Common Sense” you’re sure not showing any.
What Trump cannot do — indeed, what no GOP presidential candidate can do EXCEPT Gov. Gary Johnson the only Consevative left — is recognize the real root cause of America’s woes — the welfare-warfare state apparatuses that have been grafted onto our original governmental structure. It’s the welfare state and the warfare state, together with the out-of-control spending and debt that come with them, that is bringing our country down. That’s what socialism, imperialism, and militarism do to a nation.
But Trump, like all his Republican cohorts, cannot bring himself to acknowledge that. They all love, adore, and glorify the welfare-warfare state. They all believe in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public schooling, militarism, a military-industrial complex, a national-security state, the Pentagon, the CIA, the NSA, a Federal Reserve, fiat (i.e., paper) money, drug laws, government-business partnerships, immigration controls, trade restrictions, economic regulations, foreign interventionism and wars of aggression, and corporatism Of course, Democrats and liberals are as fervent believers in the welfare-warfare state way of life and all those statist programs as Trump and the Republicans are. The fight is over control, not over ideology or principle.The Trump campaign — and the positive reaction to it among Republican voters — also brings to mind Benito Mussolini, the fascist president of Italy. Like Trump, he believed in running government like a business, a notion that is resonating positively among Republican voters. The voters are convinced that since Trump is a successful businessman, he will be the savior of the welfare-warfare state, the man who will figure out how to save Social Security and Medicare and finally win the drug war. Why, Trump’s supporters are convinced that he’ll even make Amtrak run on time.
Asshat the smell of fear and desperation is getting heavy on the left and that is a fact. Trump is crushing killary. Everything I’d a lie.
Bary Steffen Ecv
Chuck Robinson you need a little therapy. Gary Johnson? Really?
Linda Mohn Bradley LOL coming from someone that helped get us Bush/Obama elected and re elected?I think your the one that needs a “little therapy”.Yeah Gary Johnson really!
The only way Trump can lose is with voter fraud.
Chuck, you ‘re crazy as well as stupid. You seem to like graft in government, and utter corruption. h rotten clinton is the very lowest, rockbottom example of a human being
TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP the ONLY way to bring America [and the world!] back to life
John W Toewater What Trump cannot do — indeed, what no GOP presidential candidate can do EXCEPT Gov. Gary Johnson the only Consevative left — is recognize the real root cause of America’s woes — the welfare-warfare state apparatuses that have been grafted onto our original governmental structure. It’s the welfare state and the warfare state, together with the out-of-control spending and debt that come with them, that is bringing our country down. That’s what socialism, imperialism, and militarism do to a nation.
But Trump, like all his Republican cohorts, cannot bring himself to acknowledge that. They all love, adore, and glorify the welfare-warfare state. They all believe in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public schooling, militarism, a military-industrial complex, a national-security state, the Pentagon, the CIA, the NSA, a Federal Reserve, fiat (i.e., paper) money, drug laws, government-business partnerships, immigration controls, trade restrictions, economic regulations, foreign interventionism and wars of aggression, and corporatism Of course, Democrats and liberals are as fervent believers in the welfare-warfare state way of life and all those statist programs as Trump and the Republicans are. The fight is over control, not over ideology or principle.
Many people I speak with are VERY concerned about country but very careful when they say WHO they will vote for. It is not politically correct to vote for Trump. That must change on Nov 8.
And what in hell is it you’re talking about?
Chuck is definitely a troll. Cut and paste the same crap over & over. Now to burst his bubble…Gary can’t win if Trump can’t. Voter fraud only helps Democrats! And it’s happening.
There has always been the responsibility of the Christian to step into the muddy business of politics knowing you have to put up with getting your boots soiled while avoiding when possible all the others wallowing around in it head first.
The blessings of liberty are to be secured though the person who says he wants redemption.
He has said, he believes his only path to redemption is to fill the Scalia vacancy, fill other future vacancies with justices with the Scalia temperament and repeal the Johnson amendment which restricts discussions of the State in the church pulpit.
If he only achieves these 3 items, the path to a secure freedom for following generations will be straighter.
Shouldn’t your Pastor be able to speak of the moral failings of government with out fear of retribution from government?
You with hold your vote from Trump, you yourself have continued as an agent of the government to put a gag on your Pastor.
Some say let’s wait to fight another day!
Fight another day ? Where? When?
Teaching the Bible will be hate speech. Right now, the Media, the Justice Dept, the IRS and the FBI are agents of the Democrat Party.
You believe HILliarY will change that, she will double down on all those!
May the Lord have mercy on us all.
Chuck Robinson johnson is not conservative
Diane Rickman Carder LOL hes way more Conservative than your poster boy Lying Liberal Trump!So what is Trumps record on Conservatism?
Clyde Fromona The Founding Fathers wanted SEPERATION of Church and State!!!!One of the many attacks on our country from the Religious Right is the claim that our country is a Christian Nation…not just that the majority of people are Christians, but that the country itself was founded by Christians, for Christians. However, a little research into American history will show that this statement is a lie. Those people who spread this lie are known as Christian Revisionists. They are attempting to rewrite history, in much the same way as holocaust deniers are. The men responsible for building the foundation of the United States were men of The Enlightenment, not men of Christianity. They were Deists who did not believe the bible was true. They were Freethinkers who relied on their reason, not their faith.
If the U.S. was founded on the Christian religion, the Constitution would clearly say so–but it does not. Nowhere does the Constitution say: “The United States is a Christian Nation”, or anything even close to that. In fact, the words “Jesus Christ, Christianity, Bible, Creator, Divine, and God” are never mentioned in the Constitution– not even once. Nowhere in the Constitution is religion mentioned, except in exclusionary terms. When the Founders wrote the nation’s Constitution, they specified that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” (Article 6, section 3) This provision was radical in its day– giving equal citizenship to believers and non-believers alike. They wanted to ensure that no religion could make the claim of being the official, national religion, such as England had.If the Christian Right Extremists wish to return this country to its beginnings, so be it… because it was a climate of Freethought. The Founders were students of the European Enlightenment. Half a century after the establishment of the United States, clergymen complained that no president up to that date had been a Christian. In a sermon that was reported in newspapers, Episcopal minister Bird Wilson of Albany, New York, protested in October 1831: “Among all our presidents from Washington downward, not one was a professor of religion, at least not of more than Unitarianism.” The attitude of the age was one of enlightened reason, tolerance, and free thought. The Founding Fathers would turn in their graves if the Christian Extremists had their way with this country.
Clyde Fromona “It may not be easy, in every possible case, to trace the line of separation between the rights of religion and the Civil authority with such distinctness as to avoid collisions and doubts on unessential points. The tendency to unsurpastion on one side or the other, or to a corrupting coalition or alliance between them, will be best guarded agst. by an entire abstinence of the Gov’t from interfence in any way whatsoever, beyond the necessity of preserving public order, and protecting each sect agst. trespasses on its legal rights by others.”
James Madison, “James Madison on Religious Liberty”
Clyde Fromona “What influence, in fact, have ecclesiastical establishments had on society? In some instances they have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the civil authority; on many instances they have been seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny; in no instance have they been the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wish to subvert the public liberty may have found an established clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate it, needs them not.” – “A Memorial and Remonstrance”, 1785
Clyde Fromona “The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries.” -1803 letter objecting use of gov. land for churches
Diane Rickman Carder
Lynette Dazsi Sure Gary can win if all the Liberal Republicrat Trump supporters vote with us Libertarians Johnson will be the next POTUS.A troll is what you see when you look in the mirror!
Clyde Fromona
Diane Rickman Carder At least Gary was never a Democrap like your poster boy Lying Donald!
Lynette Dazsi Trump CANNOT win the same reason Counterfeit Mitt COULD NOT win.Libertarians WILL NOT vote for Lying Donald or Crooked Hillary!
“The New York Times” soon to be name the “The Trump Times.” LOL
Fair and balanced? There was a time when news media was neutral and didn’t get into private lives.
The NYT needs to be sued for doing things illegal. Such as posting stuff obtained illegally.
What a coincidence that these women are coming out now that he’s a presidential candidate, right after the video… why not at the time it happened… Something sticks!
They’re coming out with a bs story in a key state killary needs to win Florida. ..
Did you say that about Bill Clinton too?
Eric Varnado, use your head and think, why now after 30 years, 12 years, why? Oh yeah, he’s the presidential nominee.. This is the Democrat dirty tactics as they have done this before to other Republicans example; Newt Gingrich in 2012… Besides, all hell would break loose if a stranger was touching me especially the way that woman says she was touched, I would not wait 30 years to say something, I would smack his face right there and then, Coincidence !!! I don’t think so.. I could be thinking about doing something but never act on it.. Yes, Trump is a jerk but 3 weeks before voting for a Presidencry it’s very suspicious.
Another example of how Trump hates the constitution. He wants to abolish the 1st amendment. Will he shut down newspapers if he is president. That’s called dictatorship.
Hildebeest will do the same.
I completely agree. This is the saddest election in American history.
Liberal asshat sheeple
I would like to shut down The NY Times too. They turned into an enquirer rag.
Bary Steffen Ecv trump supporters?
Trump should apologize to a few primary challengers before he goes complaining about the NY Slimes.
Trump the defender of the first amendment. Trump loves to threaten to sue people. This is simply a threat that will end in nothingness.
He should sue them. It’is a conspiracy run by the NY Times.
Awesome! He needs to hit back at the left for their gutter tactics.
Fn animals for a POS. Why do people need to be so nasty! Bunch of lying sinner for the devil!
its about time
He has to the New York Times is a liberal rag!
Now That’s Front Page News I would love to read !
If they decide to, (Which i personally could see nothing that would legally constitute defamation…as they use proper terminology “allegedly” and such), the apology should be Trump-styled pulling blame right back at him… lol According to this, the paper was punked.
I hope it ruins them, but of course they are in bed with Hillary, so it probably wont.
New York Times says that they are only reporting what Trump actually said….Fox news in their biased reporting actually inferred Trump was guilty while praising Hillary
Jerry Falwell Jr sitting with Trump says Trump has proof these women are lying……Trump says he will present the truth at the appropriate time.
Look out Hillary
thes ass holes are all democrats. where is Killerys bull shit at?????? she is not perfict by a damn long shot.
Let it go to court Trump. Will have to testify
There has always been the responsibility of the Christian to step into the muddy business of politics knowing you have to put up with getting your boots soiled while avoiding when possible all the others wallowing around in it head first.
The blessings of liberty are to be secured though the person who says he wants redemption.
He has said, he believes his only path to redemption is to fill the Scalia vacancy, fill other future vacancies with justices with the Scalia temperament and repeal the Johnson amendment which restricts discussions of the State in the church pulpit.
If he only achieves these 3 items, the path to a secure freedom for following generations will be straighter.
Shouldn’t your Pastor be able to speak of the moral failings of government with out fear of retribution from government?
You with hold your vote from Trump, you yourself have continued as an agent of the government to put a gag on your Pastor.
Some say let’s wait to fight another day!
Fight another day ? Where? When?
Teaching the Bible will be hate speech. Right now, the Media, the Justice Dept, the IRS and the FBI are agents of the Democrat Party.
You believe HILliarY will change that, she will double down on all those!
May the Lord have mercy on us all.
i think they better retract
Don’t pick a fight with people who buy ink my the barrel.
Thank you!
JEWS better back TRUMP. Warning what Clinton will do.