The first general election debate is here: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will face off Monday, September 26, at 9 pm Eastern for 90 minutes — no breaks. Watch the debate live here on The Liberty Conservative.
Let us know in the comments section what you’re thinking. Who’s winning? What did you think of each candidate’s answers? What was the best zinger of the night?
The Clintons should never be allowed back in the White House
As they left the White House, the Clintons Defaced Walls, Stole Furniture and Much Much Worse
In 2001, the Clintons were moving out of the White House to make way for the Bush Administration. Not only did the Clintons steal furniture on their way out of the White House, but they did something far worse. It’s yet another reason why they should not be allowed to step foot in the White House AGAIN!
Besides the stolen furniture, Hillary Clinton and her lackeys defaced walls, stole a presidential seal dating back to the Eisenhower years, damaged furniture they deemed not expensive enough to take, and left a huge mess in the offices, making it look like a rave party had taken place there.
They left behind offensive and derogatory statements about Bush, defaced keyboards so the letter W could not be used, stole doorknobs and other small items, and left behind prank signs as well as many other immature acts. Apparently, the Clintons are petty, reckless, and have no respect for the taxpayers or the donations they give to for president’s household and office.
A complete list of all the damages is in the GAO 02-360 ‘The White House: Allegations of Damage During the 2001 Presidential Transition,’ an official document of the aftermath of the Clinton Administration. So, liberals can’t chalk this up to a conspiracy theory.
Can’t wait for the debate to start!! Go Trump!