“I don’t think it was a game,” Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders said in response to a question about President Trump’s tweet on potential Comey recordings approximately 40 days ago.
At today’s White House press briefing, correspondents were focused on receiving answers about a recent tweet by President Trump that stated: “With all of the recently reported electronic surveillance, intercepts, and unmasking and illegal leaking of information, I have no idea whether there are ‘tapes’ or recordings of my conversations with James Comey, but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings.”
One reporter asked Huckabee-Sanders why it took so long for the President to “lay [this claim] to rest”, and she responded bluntly: “You guys asked for an answer… [and] he gave you one.”
She informed the media that she was notified prior to the release of President Trumps tweets this afternoon. But continued to emphasize that Trump’s intentions, and his social media postings, were “very clear”.
Additionally, with the unveiling of the GOP healthcare bill this morning, and protests that occurred outside Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office, Deputy Sec. Sanders reaffirmed that the President wants to “bring the stakeholders to the table” in order to have further discussions on the bill. She will continue to provide updates on the President’s involvement.
When she was informed of a woman removed from this morning protests who yelled that her child and family were going to die because of the repeal of Obamacare, she promptly responded, “I certainly think that not just Republicans, but I think any American would not support something that would allow a child to die.”
She explained that the administration’s goal is to get a bill that “actually provides care” because “Obamacare… [is] collapsing.” But when questioned about Democrat involvement she put her foot down and proclaimed that, “If Democrats really care they would try to be a part of the process… day one they [said they] didn’t want to be involved… [so] they should try and have a seat at the table.”
Press Secretary Sean Spicer had made a similar statement at Tuesday’s press briefing.
As for an update on Tech Week in the White House, Huckabee-Sanders noted that the President continues to have discussion with leaders on different technological advancements, such as cell towers as small as pizza boxes.
Tomorrow, he will also sign another piece of legislation that is intended to improve healthcare for veterans.