Libertarian Party Membership Numbers Take Nose Dive Under Sarwark’s Abysmal Leadership

Libertarian Party chairman Nicholas Sarwark has spent the better part of the past year alienating anyone to the right of Elizabeth Warren, and the results of his leadership style are officially in. Membership totals under Sarwark are abysmal, posting a year-to-year drop of 24 percent from 2016. Their membership of 18,908 dwindled to a mere 14,321 in only a year’s time.

According to a Reason Magazine report, 2000 individuals turned their backs on the party in August alone while only 300 new members signed up. The spin machine is already in high gear, as incompetent and hapless party hacks make more excuses for their many failures.

“There’s always an issue with expectation management. If you tell people that you aren’t going to win, then they might not want to get involved at all… But if you say you are going to win this year, many involved may well end up disappointed after Election Day,” LP executive director Wes Benedict said, unintentionally illustrating the complete and utter futility of Libertarian activism with his comments.

Additionally, Benedict reported that the use of Gary Johnson’s campaign donor list yielded very poor results in recruiting more dues-paying members. The LP mailed more than 100,000 letters to former donors of Johnson’s failed 2016 Presidential campaign, and fewer than one percent of recipients responded effectively.

With Sarwark going out of his way to brand Tom Woods and other prominent libertarians as racists and LP Vice Chair Arvin Vohra publicly accusing all military personnel of being terrorist killers, it could not be more clear why self-respecting libertarians are leaving the party in droves.

Those who felt that the LP couldn’t embarrass themselves further after last year’s antics of Gary “What is Aleppo?” Johnson and the hefty convention streaker, James Weeks, were fooling themselves. The LP still has quite a ways to fall before the dismal party mercifully goes defunct.


  1. People have lost interest in the party of principle.
    The Free State Project managed to get 20,000, more than the LP.

  2. This is highly misleading. “Membership” spikes during presidential election years.
    What matters is party enrollment.
    Membership is about paying dues to the national organization. I care more about grass roots state and local growth.

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