Democrats: Double Down!

It is certainly a good time to be a Republican; outside of a University campus, of course.

There is a lot to be happy about from a Republican perspective.

A newly elected Republican President, several possible openings in the Supreme Court, control of the Senate, control of the House, 33 Governors, and 68 state legislative chambers, the highest in the Republican Party’s history.

The level of dominance from the local all the way up to the federal level is something akin to the power New Deal Democrats enjoyed during the FDR years and something unseen for Republicans since the Civil War.

So how did we get here? How has the Republican party expanded its reach and power so effectively in such a short period of time?

To be quite frank, the Republican leadership does not deserve much, if any, credit for this progress. You can make a strong argument these gains and victories came in spite of the establishment leadership rather than because of them.

No, the people that conservatives really need to be thanking is the Democratic party leadership.

In the past two decades, the Democratic Party has radically shifted its agenda from a moderate and almost centrist party that catered to the entire American working and middle class, regardless of race or religion, into a party that explicitly favors entrenched coastal elites and plays the dirty game of identity politics and Marxian class warfare.

As a conservative, I could not be more happy about this shift in direction.

By completely abandoning white working class Americans and wholly embracing an evermore radical racialist tone, European style socialism, Banana republic levels of corruption, man-hating 3rd wave feminism,  and taking on an increasingly smug and elitist rhetoric, the Democratic Party has ensured that it will continue its monumental decline into the status of a regional party.

Traditional family values, inclusion,  and pragmatism have no place in this new Democratic party.

I am begging and praying that they not only continue down this path but double down on it as a response to Donald Trump’s election. If they continue to keep their heads in the sand and stay the course, the Democratic Party is finished as a national party.

As it stands now, the Democrats only control five state governments.


It is incredible that, despite their meager influence outside of the Beltway and bleak outlook going into 2018 and beyond, they continue to maintain this aura of invincibility.

Instead of looking at their own failed policies and strategies and broken promises they decide to go on the typical left wing slandering offense and engage in massive George Soros funded violent riots.

When Democrats lose an election they scapegoat, when Republicans lose an election they conduct a 100 page self-audit.

They attack anyone and everyone as nothing more than a bunch of ignorant bigots and ‘right wing loons’ if they did not happen to tow the party line in the mold of a Soviet era apparatchik.

“White women are traitors, white males are racists, small business owners are exploitative, and Christians are crazy,” seems to be the new PR angle of Democratic party surrogates and left wing pundits.

Blue collar white Americans in ‘fly over country,’ once the heart and soul of the Democratic party, have been abandoned by their party, despite voting overwhelmingly for Obama – not once, but twice.

With a straight face, the Democratic party elites smugly lecture the poorest communities in Appalachia, the Deep South, and the Midwest. They tell them that, despite their record unemployment, lack of education, rising poverty, heroin epidemics, and climbing rates of suicide, they are in fact ‘privileged’ by virtue of being white and thus should have to subsidize illegal immigrant welfare programs and kowtow to appease race baiters and out of touch academics.

This is why the Democrats will lose. Their arrogance has finally gotten the better of them.

It does not take a political mastermind to see this situation and exploit it as Donald Trump did.

Compound all this with a stagnant Obama economy and ever-rising global instability and you have a cocktail of Republican political dominance for years to come.

The Democratic party could have avoided this fate had they listened to the few sensible members left, people like former Senator Jim Webb.

Instead, they decided to take their marching orders from a radical ivory tower intelligentsia.

I just hope that the leadership in the Republican Party does not blow this golden opportunity. We have a mandate to pass much needed reform, to fight the corruption, lower taxes, roll back regulations, and secure our borders. If they can’t get it done then they deserve no better a fate than the fading Democratic party.


  1. They still don’t get it. There is only so long that you can keep referring to your political rivals as racists and bigots before those returns start rapidly diminishing.

    • yep… remember last election when they pushed the Republican War on Women….which didn’t work so well for them with that demographic….this election they went after race…yet Trump picks up more minorities than did Romeny….

  2. The war on women in the Democratic party continues…. These two sacrificial lambs were slaughtered on the altar of Clinton…. One can only guess how many others will be sacrificed?

  3. This is the backward thinking that I hoped the GOP would not endure. The Republicans did not deserve to win the Presidency. Rather Hillary is so unlikable that she was thoroughly rejected. This victory lap is merely temporary unless the GOP can unify under some sort of principles that the rest of America shares.

    • The majority of the country voted all these Republicans in. The majority is in power now. Sore losers need to give peace a chance and see what these Republicans will and can do. It may turn out far better than some people think as the Media has lied and lied and lied to every one of us and people who belived those lies need to do some real HONEST research on the people who are in power now.

    • No actually the majority of people stayed home. Trump got less votes than Romney. It wouldn’t take very much effort for the Democrats to win if they have a decent candidate. These are real numbers but the GOP just ignores the data telling themselves everything is going well.

      • Trump has over 61 million votes and absentee votes are still coming in so his votes will continue to increase. Romney’s total votes were 60.9 million. He already has over 100,000 more votes than Romney. I do agree with your point though. The republicans won due to the fact Hillary was so horrible, but they had better make a difference as their edge was whiskey thin in three states and it could easily have gone the other way at the presidential level. At the state and local levels republicans are doing incredible though.

    • I’ve been a member of the GOP for many many years. The numbers don’t lie. Over half of registered voters didn’t vote this year. That means that in reality the GOP won with as little as 26% of the vote. People want change for sure but we just elected a Republican President who has for the majority of his life been a Democrat and holds views and values in stark contrast to what the party platform details are important Republican issues. I’m more than willing to give Trump a chance but I’m not into wishful thinking that he will magically become some stalwart of Republican ideas. But again my main point is numbers do not lie. If Trump couldn’t get as many votes as Romney or McCain it’s a clear sign that as a party our numbers are shrinking. And if you can’t see that expect the Democrats to start winning again once they find someone halfway decent that’s not named Clinton to run.

    • John Barton …so your message is if the democrats were not a bunch of lying thieves who want to destroy this countries heritage and bankrupt it….they may have won the election? Well, that’s a long pull…..

    • No. What I’m saying is that political parties are losing influence and popularity with the public. And the GOP is losing it much faster than the Democrats. There is a lack of solidarity of values in the GOP that used to be there. Strong defense, fiscal conservatism, decentralization of government. Instead the GOP has become Democrat lite. The size and scope of government has grown tremendously since GWB. You cannot say with a straight face that the GOP stands for those principles any more. We nation build and strain the capacity of our troops by having them everywhere. Congress refuses to even put a balanced budget on the President’s desk. And the size of government grows and grows no matter who is in charge. If the GOP considers that fact it squeaked by a win in 2016 as a broad mandate to continue what it normally does I expect that it will lose power quickly. Trump is the defacto leader of the GOP and I simply don’t see how he is going to reverse these trends.

  4. They’ll always be in bed with the media. If Trump’s economic plans succeed (which is a pretty good bet), the media will claim that it was because of Obama’s policies. This is complete BS. Four more years of Obama/Clinton, and America would be in extreme economic distress.

  5. With only a few small isolated pocket of Progressive Liberalism left, mostly in urban areas, the American People, and the people who grew up in a different America, have woken up, and realized, that the dim witted agenda of Liberalism is an extreme danger to our Freedoms, Democracy, and to Our Republic. Liberals are defending themselves, and I hope, and Pray that this form of governing never, ever has as much power as it has had.

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