As the bench-clearing brawl over border security roars on, it would behoove wall advocates to broaden their pitch. A wall would slash illegal immigration on the southern frontier. And it also would bolster U.S. national security and counterterrorism. Not every illegal alien dodges Gila monsters and skirts cacti in search of the American dream. Beyond
MoreImmigration is a hot button issue. The rise of candidate Donald Trump and his ascension to the White House escalated the controversy surrounding illegal immigration. Under the previous administration of Barack Obama, those who resided here illegally were given greater leniency as undocumented immigrants. When Trump criticized those who could not enter our country lawfully,
MoreThe progressive socialists, the media, and even some RINOs are marching in lockstep, and using illegal sob stories in an attempt to force the citizens of this country to accept the untold illegal aliens in our country at present. The approximate 800,000 DACA immigrants are called “Dreamers” in an attempt to revive the “DREAM ACT”
MoreIn the final outcome, we must temper the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients with the rule of law. It was Obama who unconstitutionally allowed them to stay, an illegal action that President Trump is trying to bring back to the rule of law that this country is based upon. The children involved in
MoreSenior Advisor to the President Stephen Miller has outlined the administration’s preconditions for any deal regarding minors affected by Trump’s decision to rescind DACA, according to a report by McClatchy. Miller called for switching to a merit-based immigration system, eliminating protections for unaccompanied illegal alien children, increasing the numbers of immigration enforcement officials, raising visa
MoreThere are many different sides that need to be looked at in relation to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and questions that must be answered. One question that has not been answered is: why are the beneficiaries of DACA called “Dreamers” by the media and progressive socialists pushing it forward? Could it
MoreLast week, a conservative student from Transylvania University (TU) re-posted a social media comment from a DACA recipient. In her initial post, the illegal immigrant boasted that she was “undocumented, unapologetic and unafraid” of her status in a post on her Facebook. The brave whistleblower shared the post to conservative groups within social media, and
MorePaola Garcia, a recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, is organizing a campaign to get a white student expelled from her college after he posted about her status over social media. After the university president sided with the illegal immigrant in an e-mail, the student fears that his days may be
MoreAccording to reports last week, it looks as though President Trump may be planning to cancel former President Obama’s executive order that created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which grants work visas to 886,000 illegal immigrants and protects them from deportation. Trump had railed hard against DACA during his campaign for the presidency,
MorePresident Trump is wavering on many key campaign promises, including his call to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that permits illegal immigrants who have been in America since they were children to stay in the country without prosecution. This is not acceptable for Rep. Steve King (R-IA), who says that a
MoreIt is a phrase that has become prominently featured in the debate over illegal immigration – some illegal immigrant students across the country have even begun referring to themselves as “undocumented and unafraid,” demonstrating that they are here both here illegally and do not fear punishment for their violation of federal law. The idea of
MoreI take offense to those “Gary Johnson” libertarians who make obnoxious comments about Republican volunteers passing out pamphlets to NASCAR and WWF fans. Those of us with Trump-Pence signs in our yards are not interested in setting up some “redneck” scene. Can we tone it down? Moreover, they paint with a broad brush when it comes to the