One of the most impeachable derelictions of the modern libertarian movement is its blatant disregard of – or support for – government attacks on religious liberty. The Gary Johnson complex, as I’ve come to call it, is not grounded in any libertarian ideology – a fact that fellow candidate Austin Petersen ripped the proverbial fig
MoreThere’s no secret that childhood obesity has become a greater problem in society. There have been a number of contributing factors to this, such as television programming and the continued rise of video games. Whereas children once found enjoyment in sports and building forts, many now seek video games and programming as entertainment. The loss
MorePrior to the most recent string of shootings and violent acts, the country was already in a bad place. Events like the San Bernardino, California attack and the recent shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida have left politics charged and people emotional. Once upon a time, the natural response to tragedies was to
MoreThe week of Independence Day, Gersh Kuntzman of the Daily News, called for Major League baseball to permanently ban the playing of “God Bless America.” While conceding some of its virtues, Kuntzman laments that the classic jingle “embodies” some of “our worst things,” vices like “self-righteousness, forced piety,” and “earnest self-reverence.” Kuntzman approvingly alludes to
MoreThe past week has been tough for those of us who support law enforcement, but are also in favor of policing reform. Early Tuesday morning, video emerged of an incident in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in which a black man named Alton Sterling was killed during an altercation with police. Sterling was armed, but many believe
MoreFBI Director James Comey demonstrated that he can take the dance floor and do the Texas Two-Step better than anyone out there. His performance will be heralded for his intellectual ability to build a case that goes in one clear direction, and then swings suddenly and inexplicably the other way. I am a writer
MoreThe recent shooting in the Orlando, Florida LGBT nightclub was tragic and heartbreaking, not just for the LGBT community, but for anyone in America who felt solidarity and actually gave a damn. But as usual, the afterglow of tragedy was swiftly upheaved and manipulated for political argumentation – never mind the fact that the blood hadn’t
MoreToday is that one day of the year where Americans come together over hot dogs and cheeseburgers to celebrate insurrection, secession and violent rebellion. While the meaning has long been forgotten to many, it still exists. The American Revolution resulted from tyranny that the founding generation attempted to remedy but eventually lost tolerance for as
MoreIndependence Day is coming and once again, America is preparing for the height of summer. Bright skies with the sun shining bright, temperatures are rising and beach weather is in full swing. The Fourth of July is all of that alongside some early morning parades, afternoon barbeques and evening fireworks. It’s a beautiful time. But
MoreGhostbusters is an important film in 80’s film culture. The story of four proton pack-carrying men and their green ghost friend Slimer was a fun comedy that remains popular even today. Now like everything else in Hollywood, it’s getting remade. Naturally, such a beloved film getting rebooted is going to spark a backlash from the
MoreJuly 2nd was a big day in history fifty-two years ago. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law. It was an enormous moment for the Civil Rights Movement, as it outlawed segregation in public places. For the signing, the White House made a theatrical event out of it, inviting numerous leaders
MoreEquality – it is something that people fight for, something people desire, and I think most people would agree, something our society should strive for. While the equality movement in America has represented various causes over the years, things like voting rights, racial issues, and feminism, it is now widely used to represent the LGBT movement.
MoreOn Thursday, British voters chose the uncertainty of independence over the certainty of bureaucratic morass, the vigor of self-reliance over the sluggishness of dependency, and risk of prosperity over the security of stagnation when they decided to leave the European Union. The Brexit victory offers Britain, Europe and the global economy a chance to redefine the global landscape,
MoreAs could be expected, the gun debate reappeared in full force after the tragedy that took place in Orlando. All of the typical arguments from both sides are again being repeated ad nauseum. From “we need to prevent this from ever happening again” on the left, to “from my cold, dead hands” on the right,
MoreI am pleasantly surprised that the “Leave” side won in the UK today. As a nationalist, I generally support other nations putting their independence above the interest of global governance and multinational corporate/banking elitism. In the short to medium term, the prospect of the UK leaving the EU will cripple the Pound Sterling and, likely,
MoreDemocrats in Pennsylvania are trying to erase history and stifle free speech by stealing then banning a historic flag on display for Flag Day. Since late May, the Hanover Area Historical Society has been displaying The Clausen Historic Flag Collection in the Pennsylvania State Capitol to celebrate Flag Day. This exhibit features 50 handmade flags from different points
MoreThe reason the Founders enshrined the Second Amendment in the Constitution was because they understood that the inherent dignity and worth of the individual person expressed itself in the concepts of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” An inherent part of Life and Liberty is security and the right of self-defense. We are endowed
MoreThe tragic shooting in Orlando has left a lot of people in complete outrage. There are always stories in the news about people being oppressed abroad. ISIS throwing homosexuals from rooftops to their death or burning captive women alive, Saudi Arabia executing homosexuals, or other Middle Eastern countries continuing to treat women as inequal. As
MoreThe Tonys this weekend featured a rarity in modern award ceremonies, a massive celebration for a work of art that romanticizes both America and the men that founded it. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s smash-hit Hamilton racked up 11 awards, including best musical, leading actor (Leslie Odom Jr. as Aaron Burr), featured actress (Renée Elise Goldsberry as Angelica
MoreIt is tragic that once again, innocent victims succumb to the violent hatred of homegrown radical Islam. While we are still learning all the facts, it is clear that the gunman not only supported ISIS, but swore allegiance to the terrorist group, and acted as a radical Islamist, as he phoned 911 prior to carrying
MoreD.W. Griffith the great American silent film director, depicts acts of intolerance throughout history in his epic movie by the same name. The history of man is highlighted by such inhumane acts as the Persian conquest of Babylon over religious differences and the crucifixion of Jesus brought about by the Pharisees who violently disagreed with
MorePolitical correctness has become an enormous theme in American life, in and outside of political discourse. Anything that could be construed as negative regarding a person or group that just so happens to share a certain race, religion, affiliation, etc. could be seen as breeding hatred based on that type. X-Men: Apocalypse is the latest
MoreStop praising and making a demagogue of female teachers who prey on their students. They are pedophiles and should be socially ostracized, not glorified. Nothing makes me more sick to my stomach than reading yet another news story about a teacher having sexual relations with an underage student. Teachers who take advantage of their students are being
MoreLouisiana State Representative Barbara Norton (Democrat-Shreveport) has joined the Social Justice Warrior field team after she publicly opposed a bill filed by fellow State Representative Valarie Hodges (Republican-Denham Springs) that would require students in grades four, five and six to recite portions of the Declaration of Independence each day in class. Norton argued that the
MoreLate in the autumn of 1943, German fighter general Adolf Galland headed to the opulent estate of Luftwaffe Reichsmarschall and Hitler’s second-in-command, Hermann Göring. Galland, a decorated combat ace, had seen extensive action on the western front, and by this point in the war, he could see that the odds were turning against the Third
MoreIn 2002, Marvel published the first issue of The Ultimates, their alternative “Ultimate” universe run of the Avengers comics. Although this comic didn’t offer the first appearance of the new version of Nick Fury, it did offer the fully developed revision of the character. In it, he was changed from the traditional white, military-officer-esque character
MoreDear Austin, As a Libertarian Presidential Candidate, I know you’re busy with a lot of interviews and meetings with conservative media and voters looking for a way out of the coming Trump/Hillary nightmare, but I wanted to take the opportunity to reach out to you and try to iron out some of the wrinkles in
MoreDespite my last article, I must profess to being neither an anti-feminist nor a feminist. I simply seek to inform meaningful cultural dialogue on issue. While I encourage both feminists and anti-feminists to continue forward, this piece specifically targets the undecided person, the one who has heard both good and bad things about feminism and
MoreFeminism is a growing topic of public debate as campus activists continue to protest speakers from many different backgrounds. From radical lesbian feminist Julie Bindel to former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to women’s rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali to feminist scholar Christina Hoff Sommers, the suppressing of differing opinions and stifling of free and
MoreIt was Spring 2015 in the heart of New York City. I had just transferred to my new school after having attended a small, out-of-the-way college that nobody has ever heard of, in a state that many don’t even know exist (WV). And now I was here – at one of the most prestigious schools
MoreSeeking to further promote balkanization and stoke racial tensions, many on the far-left have sought to categorize Donald Trump supporters (or anyone who promotes Nationalism) as racists who long for a return to 1950s America when segregation was legal and practically all of the political power was held by white American males. Unwilling to promote
MoreIs it just me, or have people lost sight of the concept that a private organization is just that– private? They can make their own rules as they see fit, that is until a progressive’s feeling get hurt and they make it their crusade to tackle the private organizations and all who associate. I hail from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
MoreA lack of diverse political discussion on college campuses does more harm than help to developing students. College is a place for exploring new ideas and opening your mind to concepts you’ve never heard of before; not cowering in fear and retreating at the sight of chalk writings found on your campus sidewalk. What has
MoreHuman beings, regardless of race, color or creed, are blessed with the innate ability to sense when danger is approaching, or when something is just plain wrong. Some people refer to it as a “gut-feeling,” “instinct,” or “sixth sense” when, in fact, it is so much more than that. One can look to other examples in
MoreThe work of Americans of good conscience – who also happen to be adherents of the Muslim faith – people like Asra Q. Nomani, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, and M.J. Khan is being undermined not only by the bloody violence of radical Islam, but of the failure of Western institutions to recognize and address the threat of jihad.
MoreThis article is the first in a three-part series titled “Conservatives Under Siege”. Subscribe to Liberty Conservatives Magazine or follow Joel on Facebook or Twitter to be notified of subsequent articles. From the explosion of outrage and hyperbole that violated my social media newsfeeds in the last two days, I gather that gender-confused individuals are now
MoreDuring Monday’s chaotic day of demonstrations at the University of Missouri, professor Melissa Click accomplished something she may have never done before in her academic career – taught an important lesson. Click, an assistant professor of mass media at Mizzou’s communications department, was recorded intimidating and threatening student journalists trying to document the protests occurring
More14 year-old Ahmed Mohamed arrived at his high school in Irving, Texas hoping for praise from his teacher after he created a digital clock out of a pencil-case. However, the strange-looking, beeping device with wires caused alarm among MacArthur High School administrators, who reacted by calling the police. Irving Police officers subsequently placed Mohamed under arrest for suspicion
MoreIf you have engaged in social media discussions over the weekend with politically active friends, you have almost undoubtedly come across the situation with Rowan County, Kentucky clerk Kim Davis and her refusal to issue marriage licenses. Chances are, especially if you are libertarian or have many libertarian friends, you have seen many people passionately
MoreAs the series of shocking videos released by the Center for Medical Progress continues to land body blows on Planned Parenthood, fewer and fewer abortion advocates can be found to defend them. They are even slowly disappearing from the typically safe comments sections of traditionally left-leaning sources like Slate and my state’s resident MSM outlet,
MoreIn yet another case of political correctness gone awry, the retailer Target has announced its intention to phase out gender labels from several kids sections after “outrage” from customers. According to Bloomberg, the apparent outrage boiled over when an Ohio mother posted a photo on Twitter in June showing a sign for “Girl’s Building Sets”, similar
MoreIn the aftermath of the shooting at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, in which 21-year-old Dylann Roof is accused of killing nine African-Americans attending a bible study inside the church, many on the far-left were quick to use the tragedy to cast blame on all white people. In an article on, writer Chauncey DeVega suggested that all white people
MoreThough it is rarely discussed in conservative or Republican circles, the federal drinking age (a product of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984) is one of many examples of the federal government’s overreach in the last several decades. As can be expected, given the courts consistent disregard for the constitution, the Supreme Court declared