Taking a knee stands for the specter of beefy, pampered athletes—they’re not sportsmen—wealthy beyond belief, striking a political pose on the football field, during the playing of the national anthem. First to kneel when he was meant to stand was Colin Kaepernick. The reason the San Francisco 49er knelt, in 2016: “I am not going
MoreThe country has become engulfed in the National Anthem debate once again. Last year, National Football Player Colin Kaepernick ignited a firestorm of public opinion and debate by refusing to honor the National Anthem. In the months since, it has spread to other players and across numerous sports. Kaepernick’s reason for doing so was to
MoreYvette Felarca, the leader of the Northern California wing of By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), filed a frivolous restraining order against Troy Worden, an opinion contributor at The Liberty Conservative, falsely accusing Worden of engaging in harassment. Initially, the court approved the order, as Felarca had four fellow BAMN organizers testify as witnesses, despite the fact that
MoreIt is often complained about that civil society just isn’t very civil anymore. And those who argue certainly have a very good point. A cursory glance around the world at the moment would show a smattering of politically based riots and terrorism going on at any given time. Much more prevalent (albeit not as singularly
MoreThe #TakeAKnee protesters are now spreading like a wild fire throughout the country. What started with Colin Kaepernick and a small handful of other National Football League players has become a movement across sports that is now bleeding into every aspect of our society. President Donald Trump reignited the debate when he defiantly proclaimed the
MoreThanks to the actions of entitled, sub-80 IQ, roided-up millionaire athletes we are witnessing the slow death of America’s national pastime of the past four decades, the NFL. What once was an exciting and mindless escape for millions of Americans has turned into a national embarrassment. Americans are not interested in watching whiny, ungrateful SJWs
MoreI’ve visited Buzzfeed three times. The first time was to take a silly little test to find out which Batman villain I am (turned out to be Bane, no surprises there) and the second was to read a piece called “43 Inconceivable Facts About “The Princess Bride” You Probably Never Knew.” These first two encounters
MoreAnother activist group has been propped up by George Soros over the past few years. It is called “Refuse Fascism,” and although the name may be a bit misleading, the objective is to drive President Donald Trump from office. They have already held what they call “regional conferences” in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Los
MoreCollege campuses have long been seen as a breeding ground for liberal perspectives. The theory regarding the left-wing presence has become painfully clear in the last year. Places like Berkeley have devolved from centers for ideas and debate into safe spaces for fragile students who require trigger warnings for words. In some instances, Professors and
MoreOf all the headlines taking control of the papers and social media, entertainers bending their knees appears to be at the top of the list. National Football League free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick made headlines last year repeatedly for refusing to stand during the National Anthem, a move he said was protesting racial inequality across
MoreAmerica is no stranger to celebrities flaunting their politics. The entertainers we see on our television screens and in the movie theaters often become elitists in their perspectives. For this, their money and their name are often used by politicians looking to advance an agenda. More often than not, the beneficiaries of these celebrity activists
MoreAll eyes within the pro-Trump movement are currently on Milo Yiannopoulos’s much-hyped ‘Free Speech Week’ event in Berkeley, which is scheduled to take place next week. Most of the attention is being focused on Day 4 of the event, when the most high profile speakers – conservative commentator Ann Coulter, YouTube personality Sargon of Akkad,
MoreBritain is my homeland. For all her flaws that I find in myself and all her greatness that so often I do not, there is a part of me that is forever England. Having lived overseas for some time now, I am in a peculiar position–every time I return home, the landscape is a little
MoreWhen a member of the House of Commons rises to speak on a subject in which he has a pecuniary interest, both the rules of the House and plain decency require him to declare that interest. It is a just requirement, and I propose to follow it here. My agreed title for this morning is
MoreSimilar to the English legend of Robin Hood, the character Johnny Appleseed has evolved over time into a progressive icon. In the former, the famed outlaw, made an enemy of the government by reclaiming unjust taxes, became a socialist folklore hero who “stole from the rich and gave to the poor.” Johnny Appleseed, an American
MoreSo the time has come for me to review a book written by my boss (my tertiary boss to be more specific. I work three jobs, so you know I’m amongst the societal elite). More specifically, it is Roosh V’s most recent book Free Speech Isn’t Free, the first of his books to be written
MoreThe slogan was “drain the swamp.” The movement was to remove career politicians and change the face of politics forever. Washington D.C. is a place where politicians go to be exempt from legal and social standards that most regular citizens have to deal with. These people are celebrities who rarely lose elections and almost never
MoreBen Shapiro’s appearance at Berkeley was met with a lot of protest by unruly and intolerant opponents of his beliefs. While things got out of control on the outside, inside he was fielding questions and having a good exchange of ideas with students. Conservative and liberal college students alike turned out to an event that
MoreIn recent decades, the growing answer to any and all problems is government intervention. While there is a time and a place in regards to various responses, there are limitations to government. When government does not recognize these boundaries and tries to outdo itself, it becomes wildly inefficient. In these instances, what should private individuals
MoreTucker Carlson and his guest Dan Bongino raised what you might call a look-away issue: Looting. As the two looked on at footage of looters in post-Irma Florida, TV talker and guest volunteered that “this” was “not about race.” “This,” presumably, being a reference to the looting. Here was one of those, “Who are you
MoreApoplectic, near universal condemnation was the reaction to the Nashville Statement, the dry reminder that, to Christians, homosexual acts are sinful, that two men cannot be married to one another, and that a man who thinks he is a woman is a man. Yet when the kumbaya crowd heard these things, it was as if
MoreBaseball may still identify as America’s pastime, but every year consumers prove that football is the country’s true love. In fact, the intertwining of national identity and the NFL can often be troublesome, such as when the Pentagon pays the league to promote the military — or the large subsidies governments grant to help billionaires
MoreLast week we delved into Coming of Age in Samoa, and now we’ll deal with its repercussions. As a casual glance around would inform you, much of the discussion of masculinity that goes on in this day and age is roughly “why don’t we just…change it? After all, there’s nothing inherent about it, it’s all just
MoreRecently, the wildly out-of-touch rag, Cosmopolitan released an article on why men should stop asking their girlfriend’s fathers their permission to marry their daughter. The article claimed, “…those of us who want a more egalitarian society must take a hard look at how wedding rituals undermine that goal.” The author claims that much of what gets pegged
MoreLet’s discuss a rich and exotic culture, the beautiful islands of the South Seas. It is long past time to go deeply in-depth into the theories of one Margaret Mead–and of course, we’ll discuss how they were wrong, and why people just keep on believing in them anyway. We will also discuss how Mead’s true believers
MoreThis past weekend our country watched wide-eyed on television screens as a small, stalwart band of diverse rogues stood huddled together as tens of thousands of mindless zombies surrounded their dwindling redoubt. Off in the distance were their sinister overlords, their personas and powers still shrouded in mystery. Am I talking about Game of Thrones?
MoreRichard Rodriguez’s essay, “Blaxicans” and Other Reinvented Americans, delivers an interesting take on the state of culture in America. Rodriguez, the son of Mexican parents, asserts that racial terms such as “white” and “black” are irrelevant now due to race-mixing in America. But perhaps the most interesting part of the essay is when Rodriguez suggests that “instead of adopting
MoreI was once startled to hear the late Christopher Hitchens support the view of President Bill Clinton-era conservatives that “character matters.” As with everything else, Hitchens used impeccable logic in defending its application to those either campaigning for or already in power. Because the candidate’s “personality” was literally created based on what characteristics played best
MoreI’m not going to bother going over the gory details of the national disgrace that unfolded in Charlottesville, VA on Saturday. It’s been hashed out over and over again, and there’s nothing to be gained by putting it under a microscope here. But I do have some observations that I’d like to share. First, there
MoreA bit of a confession to make, first of all. I, of course, love what I do in the reactosphere, and want to contribute in some way to the rebirth of strong and masculine men throughout the world as well as the rebirth of something resembling normalcy in my lifetime, but a not-inconsiderable part of
MoreAs you’ve probably noticed, over the last week or so, there has been a furious debate in American politics and culture over President Trump’s decision to ban transgender soldiers from serving in the United States military. The left, which at one vague point in the past professed to be anti-war, was of course in favor
MoreIf I were to draw up a list of the problems facing my country, and then to discuss their nature and possible solutions, I might be starting work on a rather long book. Instead, I will confine myself to what I think are the two most immediately pressing, and that are within the direct control
MoreBiographers of literary critic Edmund Wilson have asserted that the writer who bears the closest resemblance to Wilson, who reigned as America’s premier man of letters from the 1920s—1960s, is George Orwell. Writing of his subject, Lewis Dabney sought to validate this trans-Atlantic connection by stating that, like Wilson, Orwell was “a social critic who’d
MoreLibertarians have typically been known as standing for freedom of expression, but that is going to change if Elizabeth Nolan Brown has her way. The sex-positive Reason contributor, who co-founded Feminists For Liberty with the vehemently anti-libertarian Cathy Reisenwitz, is bringing social justice warrior-style thought policing into the libertarian movement. And for what reason? Because
MoreAs we are well into the first year of the Trump administration, and leftists are still walking around in a dim haze of incredulity, I’d like to reflect a little on why the man was elected. As some of you have probably inferred from the title, I am (on paper) a “coastal elitist.” I was
MoreAs a Latino in the conservative movement, I can honestly say that conservatives have not hit the right notes with minorities. This is mostly because leftists and Democrats have a way of conflating right-wing ideas with immoral acts such as murder and racism, thus scaring minorities into leaning liberal. Even though it should be easy
MoreAnthony Burgess’ disturbing dystopia, A Clockwork Orange, has been lauded by liberals as exhibit A in how society is to blame for criminals. His thrill-seeking murderer Alex, upon being “cured” of his homicidal tendencies is abused by society when he re-surfaces into the real world. For him to “cope” with this criminal society, the process
MoreA major part of the progressive mindset is the notion of a linear path of history (one might call it a “progression”). This is essentially the belief that all things today are better than all things in the past, and all things in the future will be better than all things today. Since things today
MoreLess than an hour from where I sit, in Manchester, New Hampshire, a travesty of justice unfolded when Andrea Muller, a city prosecutor, dropped six domestic violence charges against defendant Augustin Bahati. Bahati’s guilt should have been a no brainer and his conviction should have been a slam dunk and if he weren’t a black
MoreA Confederacy of Dunces. Undoubtedly, this is a novel that most of the people reading this article have heard of, whether by hearing it described vaguely as a contender for the Great American Novel, hearing it spoken of in hushed tones due to the alleged “curse” on the property that has caused every attempt at
MoreGeorge Orwell’s devastating satire on Stalinism, Animal Farm remains even 72 years later, along with Nineteen Eighty-Four, the gold standard for totalitarian literature. But Orwell’s classic novel which established the phrase “Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others” nearly didn’t secure a publisher, who based their rejections not on the quality of the book, but
MorePresident Trump’s Tweeting frenzy can be described in so many words like entertaining, defiant and combative. Of course, those not on board with the President may describe his Tweets as insulting, unprofessional and embarrassing. Individuals will generally support or oppose any action the President takes based on popular support. So, the difference of opinions regarding the
MoreIt was a spectacular week for President Donald Trump. After starting a media war with CNN by posting a simple meme–prompting an overreaction that set the entire Internet off against the fledgling news station–then giving a powerful, nationalistic, pro-West speech in Poland, Trump headed to Germany for the annual G-20 Summit where he had a
MoreAside from my various books–more of which will come out this month and next–I get most of my living nowadays from teaching Greek and Latin. I do this as a private tutor, and sometimes as an informal staff member at various places of education. Because demand for my services in any one place is limited,
MoreA common trope one hears in the midst of the “official” discussions on masculinity (ie: stuff that you’d never find within a mile radius of a website such as this one) is the idea that “toxic masculinity” can be solved by “reimagining masculinity.” To elaborate, this is the idea that the traditional “social construct” of
MoreOne of the most consistent themes through the works of Ludwig von Mises is the role ideas play in shaping society. As he wrote in Theory and History: “Thoughts and ideas are not phantoms. They are real things. Although intangible and immaterial, they are factors in bringing about changes in the realm of tangible and
MoreThe story of Eastern European Jews who immigrated to America in the beginning of the twentieth century is a story of “self-marginalization.” The more dramatically Eastern European Jews progress socio-economically, the more strenuously they identify with “marginalized groups” and seek to undermine the white Christian majority population. And though he takes care to guard against
MoreDerek Carr has just signed the most lucrative deal in NFL history, receiving a five-year extension worth $125 million with the soon-to-be Las Vegas Raiders. At $25 million per year, Carr edges out Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck (though Luck’s contract did reward him with over twice as much in guaranteed money). Carr also becomes
MoreMost observers on this side of the pond have probably never heard of Generation Identity or the Identitarian movement in Europe until Lauren Southern’s harrowing exploit on the Mediterranean. In blocking an empty Doctors Without Borders-operated ship from prowling the waters for refugee boats, she earned herself the ire of the Left and wider recognition
MoreLast month, famous feminist Youtuber Laci Green caused something of an outrage amongst her fanbase when she began associating with fellow internet personality Chris Ray Gun. Mr. Ray Gun is not only a man, but a man who holds double-plus ungood political opinions. He has even been accused of being a member of that most