The majority of Americans want to believe that America can, as President Donald Trump has stated many times, “come together” and “unite.” We want to believe that Americans of all identities and political leanings can find this mythical common ground and just get along with each other. We want to believe that the violence and
MoreCollege campuses are known to be bastions of leftist “thought”. The main backers of this ideology tend not to be students, but professors and faculty themselves. Even on campuses with fairly moderate or conservative student bodies, leftist professors routinely feel the need to publicly virtue signal to their equally far-left colleagues. There may be no
MoreAfter every presidential election, the idea of the president’s “electoral mandate” becomes a hot topic of discussion. The newly elected president, by virtue of his election, is thought to have received a “mandate” from the American people to pursue his policy agenda. On November 8, the American people elected Donald Trump and gave him a
MoreAt a pro-Trump demonstration that took place at Washington State University on November 9, a group of anti-Trump protesters arrived to articulate their opposition to Donald Trump’s landslide victory in the November 8 election. M.J. Vega, a member of WSU College Republicans, was present at the event. At one point in the event, a group
MoreOn November 1, a largely-black church in Mississippi was set on fire, and allegedly spray painted with the words “vote Trump.” The police have not determined if the arson and spray painting were done by the same suspects, or if any of those suspects are actually Trump supporters. However, this did not stop Young Americans
MoreWith exactly one week left before the 2016 presidential election, the wheels are coming off the Hillary Clinton campaign. The FBI has renewed their investigation into Clinton’s handling of classified documents, top Clinton aide Huma Abedin may have perjured herself in prior testimony, Donna Brazile has been fired from CNN for leaking debate questions to
MoreDuring the morning briefing at the White House on October 31, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest announced that the Obama administration would back FBI Director James Comey in his handling of the Clinton email investigation. Earnest stated that the White House would not “defend nor criticize” Comey and his handling of the newest development
MoreIt looks like the Libertarian Party will end the 2016 election cycle will end the way it has ended nearly every other presidential cycle: embarrassed, having failed to get any significant share of the vote, and on its way back to the drawing board. That prediction was back in July, in my first piece for
MoreOn Sunday afternoon it was reported that the FBI has begun reviewing approximately 650,000 emails stored on a laptop computer owned by Anthony Weiner, husband of top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin. According to the Wall Street Journal’s report, “metadata on the device suggests there may be thousands sent to or from the private server
MoreOn Friday, a homeless woman who had been guarding Donald Trump’s vandalized star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was assaulted by a group of anti-Trump thugs. The video, posted by Facebook page Daily Reminder, is disturbing, and can be viewed here. In the video, a large Hispanic man can be seen pulling signs from
MoreAccording to a multitude of reports early Friday afternoon, the FBI has announced that it will be reopening its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s potentially illegal private email server. In a statement to the Senate judiciary committee, FBI director James Comey wrote the following: “In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence
MoreHillary Clinton is, in her words, a “progressive.” In fact, she is so progressive that she has drawn in millions in contributions from Wall Street bankers, takes a “public and private” stance on every issue, and wants to pursue a policy of aggression towards nuclear-armed Russia that makes Donald Rumsfeld look like Ron Paul in comparison.
MoreIncluded in a new batch of John Podesta emails released by Wikileaks on October 23 is a 2008 correspondence between Tom Matzzie, a Democratic campaign operative, and analysts from Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, a political research agency. The email, sent by Matzzie, has a document attached that outlines the state-by-state strategy developed in 2008 and
MoreOn Monday, October 18, the College Republicans at the University of Washington hosted a “Hillary for Prison” event in the campus’ Red Square commons area. The event included a cardboard cutout of Hillary Clinton placed in a jail cell made of PVC pipe, and Chevy Swanson, the chapter’s Presidential Election Coordinator, dressed up as Donald
MoreOne of the strengths of the liberty movement has always been the web of libertarian think tanks, institutes, and foundations that work to create content and spread the message of small government. From the Mises Institute to the Foundation for Economic Education to the Cato Institute, there are plenty of libertarian organizations that have done
MoreFewer college students have jobs while in college than ever before. Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been harnessing thousands of these thumb-twiddling millennials and putting them to work for her campaign, using them for phone banking and door knocking. There’s only one problem- some of it is illegal. In many states, using public resources- buildings, wifi,
MoreAccording to a letter released by ABC reporter Candace Smith, lawyers for Donald Trump have sued the New York Times over their report published on October 12 titled “Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately.” The piece includes testimony from two women who allege that sometime “thirty years ago,” Trump assaulted them. One of
MoreIn the aftermath of her debate loss to Donald Trump on Sunday evening, Hillary Clinton spoke to reporters on board her campaign plane. At one point during the press conference, Hillary’s eyes began to roll around in her head, her neck began bobbling, and there was a rapid pulse and contraction visible in one of
MoreFollowing the presidential debate on Sunday night, which was widely perceived as being a win for Trump, CNN conducted a “focus group” with the audience members in attendance who they claimed were undecided. At one point in the focus group, CNN plays a video of Hillary Clinton delivering her prepared line, “America is great because
MoreAccording to The Huffington Post, this may be the most “dangerous part of Trump’s campaign.” Is it his support for peace with Russia? Is it his hiring of Steve Bannon, who has been made out to be the mastermind of the troublemaking alt right movement? None of the above. In the eyes of The Huffington
MoreFormer Ron Paul campaign chairman Jesse Benton has been sentenced to two years probation and six months home confinement for his participation in a 2012 bribery case, according to the Courier-Journal. He will also be required to pay a $10,000 fine. The charges stem from an investigation into a secret $73,000 payment from Ron Paul’s 2012
MoreRemember back in August when Politico authors were gleefully reporting that Donald Trump’s campaign was so hopeless that “insiders” were pressuring him to drop out? Well, the times – and the polls – have changed. As the drip, drip, drip of stories about Hillary Clinton’s corruption continues, and in the wake of the Clinton camp’s
MoreOn September 12, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) announced that due to North Carolina’s controversial HB2 act, which requires individuals to use the bathroom corresponding with the gender on their driver’s’ license, the conference would be pulling all athletic championship events from the state in protest. In a statement issued on the NCAA’s website,
MoreIt is a phrase that has become prominently featured in the debate over illegal immigration – some illegal immigrant students across the country have even begun referring to themselves as “undocumented and unafraid,” demonstrating that they are here both here illegally and do not fear punishment for their violation of federal law. The idea of
MoreThe discussion of Hillary Clinton’s health was resurrected on Sunday as a video was released that showed her briefly losing consciousness before being pushed into the back of a security van. This incident took place less than a week after the massive coughing fit she suffered at an event in Ohio. What is the cause of
MoreUnlike many conservative college students, the first political college club I joined was not my school’s College Republicans chapter. Instead, at the beginning of my sophomore year, I was recruited to head up a Students for Rand chapter on my campus, and thus my involvement with politics began. Compared to candidates like Jeb Bush and
MoreThis election cycle was supposed to be “the” cycle for libertarian Republicans. Ron Paul’s campaign in 2012 had brought in a swath of pocket Constitution-wielding activists, Rand Paul had freshly been coined the “most interesting man in politics,” and acute electoral observers were predicting that 2016 may finally be the year libertarians found success at
MoreAuthor’s note: In doing preliminary research for my piece on European nationalism earlier this month, I reached out to Henrik Vinge, the press secretary for the nationalist Sweden Democrat party that is currently in first place in national polling. Below is the full text of our interview. TLC: Your party is attracting great support in the polls and
MoreWith the success of Donald Trump’s campaign in the United States and the passage of Brexit in the United Kingdom, Americans who watch politics are seeing debates framed in a way that is entirely new to some. This new debate framework does not pit Republicans and Democrats against each other, nor does it concern itself
MoreAnyone who participated in the Libertarian Party’s 2016 presidential primary had to answer the three following internal questions: “which candidate best reflects my values, which candidate could actually succeed electorally, and which of those two answers is more important when I cast my vote?” The answer to the first question varies. Given the fact that