In the wake of all mass shootings, the predictable exhortation from the conservative corner of our national discourse is to wait before injecting politics into the discussion. It’s out of respect for the dead, it’s an instinct to not use these tragic victims as political footballs. This isn’t a competition between dueling ideologies. The Left
MoreWe don’t know for sure if Charles Darwin actually said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change,” but whether he said it or not, it’s an insightful observation that transcends the context of natural selection. It
MoreIn addition to being a leftist icon, President Lyndon B. Johnson was an extraordinary vulgarian and a rabid racist. Prior to the passage of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act, he is said to have told fellow Democratic power players that the bill would initiate a liberal golden age in which “those niggers” would be
MoreMuch to the chagrin of the mental midgets in the mainstream media, former president Barack Hussein Obama appointee Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, has given President Trump a clean bill of health. More important than his physical fitness is President Trump’s mental acuity which was also noted by Admiral Jackson. For the record, that’s one more
MoreAs with many, if not most, of the reported obscenities to have emerged from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the latest raft of divulged vulgarities are based upon anonymous sources with one exception. In addition to the unnamed, faceless rats who leaked President Trump’s recent, “shithole” comments, there is one verified witness of our fearless leader’s alleged
MoreYou’re more than likely familiar with Aesop’s brief fable of a mouse and a lion. If you’ve lived under a rock your whole life I’ll bring you up to speed: A mouse convinces a lion to spare his life in exchange for the promise of a future favor. Cue the future. The lion finds himself
MoreIt was a little over a year ago that I wrote my first article for the Liberty Conservative, “The Authors of Prosperity.” Published on the 20th of November, 2016, it expounds on the promise of then-candidate Donald Trump’s intent to slash taxes for individuals, couples, and businesses, and in so doing, usher in an epoch
MoreLara Witt is the managing editor of Wear Your Voice and despite being a solid seven and a half on the unofficial 1-10 scale of female hotness, she’s a waste of natural talent. She’s not a bad writer but she embodies the famous Reagan quote about how liberals aren’t ignorant, they just know so much
MoreHe’s making a list, and he’s checking it twice. No, I’m not talking about that jolly old poster-child-for-morbid-obesity, Saint Nick. I’m talking about President Trump. His list is a little different than Santa’s. Santa compiles a list of children who are naughty and nice, the nice ones get presents, and the naughty ones get coal
MoreVenezuela is not a country with a government, it is a hostage situation. The Maduro regime in Caracas has declared its ransom demands. They are actively robbing their captives, and make no mistake, they are executing many of those captives on a daily basis. Among its top ransom demands, the government in Caracas wants to
MoreIt was refreshing for me to read Matt Lewis’ piece for the Daily Beast, “So, Feminists Are Finally Admitting It: Bill Clinton Was a Cad (or Worse).” It’s a rare moment of introspection on the part of a liberal publication, and it belies a reckoning that the Left has been reticent to acknowledge: They are
MoreThe recent terror attack in New York City is like every other terror attack to have occurred over the past few years in the West. It was preventable, the assailant was a Muslim, and next to nothing will be done to thwart a future attack of the same nature. There are things that could be
MoreDo you know who Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were? Do you know what they did? Do you know what happened to them? I’ll save you a trip to Wikipedia: They sold us out to the Rooskies and when we caught them, we sent them to the chair. Those were the days. Professional bullsh-t artists like
MoreRuth Graham is a contributor for Slate and also a Granite Stater which is the only nice thing I can say about her after reading her recent piece entitled, “It’s Time to Admit That Allowing Men Into the Workforce Was a Mistake.” I don’t know if Ruth meant this as satire or a bad joke
MoreHayley Geftman-Gold, recently fired from her job as Vice President for CBS New York, wrote on Facebook that she has no sympathy for the victims of the mass shooting in Las Vegas. This is the reason she was fired, and good for CBS to do the right thing in that regard. Since Geftman-Gold’s remarks, there have
MoreI’ve visited Buzzfeed three times. The first time was to take a silly little test to find out which Batman villain I am (turned out to be Bane, no surprises there) and the second was to read a piece called “43 Inconceivable Facts About “The Princess Bride” You Probably Never Knew.” These first two encounters
MoreThere are two reasons that Colin Kaepernick is out of a job in the National Football League. The first and most important reason is that he’s a lousy quarterback. This isn’t unique to Kaepernick, as there are plenty of mediocre players at all positions in the NFL. This brings us to the second reason that
MoreThis past weekend our country watched wide-eyed on television screens as a small, stalwart band of diverse rogues stood huddled together as tens of thousands of mindless zombies surrounded their dwindling redoubt. Off in the distance were their sinister overlords, their personas and powers still shrouded in mystery. Am I talking about Game of Thrones?
MoreI’m not going to bother going over the gory details of the national disgrace that unfolded in Charlottesville, VA on Saturday. It’s been hashed out over and over again, and there’s nothing to be gained by putting it under a microscope here. But I do have some observations that I’d like to share. First, there
MoreIn a phone call to Mexico’s in-over-his-head head-of-state, Enrique Pena Nieto, President Trump said he won in New Hampshire because it is a “drug infested den.” Not long after, NH Governor Chris Sununu weighed in with a carefully measured response, one tailor made to suit the political dissociative identity disorder of a state that votes
MoreI haven’t wanted to write about the whole Donald Trump Jr. thing because the story is utter crap, but here I find myself writing about a crap story with nothing underpinning it but crap piled upon layer after layer of crap. The Democratic partisans, enraged liberals, and their lapdogs in the mainstream media have been
MoreLess than an hour from where I sit, in Manchester, New Hampshire, a travesty of justice unfolded when Andrea Muller, a city prosecutor, dropped six domestic violence charges against defendant Augustin Bahati. Bahati’s guilt should have been a no brainer and his conviction should have been a slam dunk and if he weren’t a black
MoreShould California Secede? That was the title of Michael Hiltzik’s November 29th article for the Los Angeles Times, and it is certainly a good question. Liberal left-coasters seem to be the most enthusiastic members of the “Calexit” lobby while many on the Right, including Jim Geraghty of the National Review, are downright dismissive if not
MoreMark Joseph Stern is coming apart at the seams and he wants you to imitate his thumb-sucking fetal posture. In his article, Neil Gorsuch is everything liberals feared—and more, Stern recites a litany of Justice Gorsuch’s most heinous transgressions. He’s supposedly “pro-gun, pro–travel ban, anti-gay, anti–church/state separation. He is certainly more conservative than Justice Samuel
MoreIn his article for The Nation – Jon Ossoff’s Loss Should Be a Lesson to Corporate Democrats – D.D. Guttenplan (is that even a real name? It doesn’t sound like a real name) writes, “To win Democrats need to tell voters what they’re for—and to do that effectively, they need to stop running scared and
MoreBad news has been piling up for renowned pinko socialist crackpot Bernie Sanders since Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the DNC screwed him over in his bid to become the Democratic nominee to run against President Trump. The party bosses and delegates carried water for the lesser candidate and greater of two evils, Hillary Clinton, and the
MoreYou can’t reason with a postmodernist who believes logic doesn’t exist. You can try outwitting them in a war of words and hope a rational audience will be swayed by your superior intellect, or you can ignore them and appeal to the good nature of your fellow man by improving your own life in the
MoreImpeachment of Trump is still a possibility. Representative Brad Sherman, a California Democrat, has drafted articles of impeachment, and he isn’t alone in that effort. There’s growing support within the shrinking opposition party for the ouster of President Trump by hook or by crook or by both. Whatever works is fine with the Democrats, but
MoreIf by the fluke of your birth you were to find yourself in Ethiopia, it wouldn’t be unusual for you to travel several miles, by foot, to obtain perhaps the most basic necessity of life on this planet, besides breathable air that is. Water. People in Ethiopia walk for hours and miles to fill up
MoreI have a confession to make, dear readers: I am a bigot. That’s right, I am obstinately devoted to my opinions and prejudices and I possess a deep-seated hatred and intolerance of certain groups and beliefs that are in conflict with my own. I suspect you too are a bigot in your own unique ways
MoreDo you know what Covfefe means? Do you care? Do you think you already know? One way or the other, I’m going to tell you what it means. You may not agree and that doesn’t really matter because you’re wrong and I’m right. Or you don’t know and you’re about to find out. I’m right
MoreThe only good thing to emerge from the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Manchester is that we in the United States have perhaps the most unambiguous picture yet of what surrender looks like. From useful idiots like Katy Perry to George Stephanopoulos, we have witnessed the same consistent refrain: The problem isn’t mass murder,
MoreA few days ago I had the opportunity to participate in a brief discussion on the subject of healthcare, more precisely, whether it is a right or a privilege. The person I was talking with is one of those who frames the debate in terms of a false dilemma: healthcare is either a right or
MoreFrom the country’s seventh oldest settlement in New Hampshire – Dover – route sixteen will take you to ninety-five, from there you hop on one, and from there you hop on ninety-three, all south, and eventually you can find your way to the Government Square Exit. From there on out, you’re in no man’s land
MoreThe eternal lament of old timers is, “Young people these days,” and not without good reason. What one generation tolerates in moderation, the next will embrace to excess, or so I’ve heard it said. The Greatest Generation had to deal with their children being pot-smoking, long-haired hippies, neither of which are cardinal sins these days,
MoreIn the west, people tend to have short memories. Typically this isn’t a problem because most lapses in memory tend to be centered around the mundane: Where you left your car keys, picking up the dry-cleaning, the date of your third cousin’s wedding to the Shriner who resembles Dwight Yoakam, only uglier – if you
MoreThe suspense is over. Marine Le Pen, the so-called “far-right” nationalist seeking to win the French presidency, has been defeated by EU suck-up sycophant Emmanuel Macron. The French voters were given a stark choice between the centrist Macron and the populist Le Pen: Continue following the path of cultural suicide – all the while expecting
MoreOne hundred and fifty-four years ago this week, nearly at the peak of the Civil War, General Robert E. Lee cemented his legacy in American history with his triumph over Union forces at the battle of Chancellorsville, a victory often referred to as a perfect battle. It is an example of how sangfroid and strategy
MoreI recently had the opportunity to watch The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone and, as I’m sure was intended, it was a thought-provoking experience. It is for many reasons a masterpiece of documentary filmmaking. The research behind it left no stone unturned and the archival footage included in the ten-part series
MoreThe first one hundred days of a new president’s presidency is a media gimmick created by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933. I’ll skip right to the important part: It was a crock of shit then and it’s an even bigger crock of shit now. It’s an artifice meant to distract from more important things, such
MoreThe concept of Presidential Doctrine dates back to when James Monroe adopted a posture of anti-European colonialism in the western hemisphere. Since that time many presidents have come and gone without leaving a signature stamp on the attitude and behavior of our nation vis a vis foreign policy though many have at most sought to
MoreNewton’s Third Law of physics states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Though commonly understood to apply to physical interactions between objects in action, this law is as true in boxing and baseball as it is in politics. Midterm elections are often a down-ballot repudiation of a president and ruling
MoreWriting for Vox, Carlos Maza claims that “Comedians have figured out the trick to covering Trump.” It should come as no shock that someone writing for a bastion of semi-functional retardation like Vox believes himself to be today’s Juan Ponce de Leon and political satire is his long sought after Fountain of Youth. Despite Maza’s
MoreSince the beginning of his campaign to become President of the United States, Donald Trump has been accused of being a fraud. He is, according to the Left and the Never Trump movement, a conman. One of the most outlandish theories to date has been that he was deliberately self-destructing both himself and the Republican
MoreIn the book of Hebrews, chapter eleven verse one, the Bible defines faith as being the substance of hope in things unseen. Those of us who are skeptical of the claims found in supposedly holy texts know that this is only half correct; in addition to hope in things unseen, religious faith is the denial
MorePublic policy expert Tom Nichols recently wrote an article entitled, “The Death of Expertise.” In it, he writes at some length about his fear of “a Google-fueled, Wikipedia-based, blog-sodden collapse of any division between professionals and laymen.” Expertise, Mr. Nichols explains, is being replaced by “a sanctimonious insistence that every person has a right to
MoreOne of the most insightful observations made by Sun Tzu in his seminal masterwork, The Art of War, is the following: “When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.” Tu Mu was more specific in his elaboration on the point; the ancient Chinese poet said the
MoreOur once great nation is overflowing with poseurs who make believe they’re fighting the good fight against an uneducated army of Philistines, that is, anyone who votes Republican. And so, the myth goes, without the posturing of pawns in entertainment, news media, social media, politics and government, the least fortunate and most misunderstood among us
MoreThe most perplexing and perverse development in our country’s politics over the past decade or so has been the unholy alliance between the so-called “progressive” movement and the pseudo-religious terrorist organization best known as Islam. A degree in the history of Abrahamic faith systems – maybe only Islam in particular – would be helpful in
MoreAs I write this and as you read it, millions of people the world over are starving and yet the number of malnourished persons worldwide is steadily declining as it has been for years. This is due to many factors such as increased crop yields, and perhaps in no small part to innovative agricultural techniques